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Showing posts from June, 2024

You can fool some of the people some of the time

  Some people have claimed that Claire Khaw is as mad as a box of frogs. Outwardly, perhaps that might seem a little unfair, but when you read her timeline on social media and witness for yourself how she so often blatantly contradicts herself as she does throughout her quite divisive, extremely racist and distinctly unpalatable blogs, you have to pause with that thought.  Well, it appears Clare Khaw can't fool fact checkers as to how puerile and nonsensical her secular koranism is, and that it's just the cult 'brainchild" (minus the brain bit) of a very disturbed, dystopian person. This, together with the lunatics she supports and praises, the twice-arrested misogynist Andrew Tate, jailed antisemitic Holocaust denier David Irving and hardcore antisemites Alison Chabloz [also jailed for antisemitism], and conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, it is not hard to agree. Add to this that Claire Khaw [supposedly with a masters law degree], claims " you can't be jailed