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To recap and summarise all about secular koranism and how truly nonsensical it all is - this will save you reading all blogs (altough I hope you do)

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She's at it again - demonstrating her morality!

Well, Claire Khaw raises the bar to demonstrate there are remnants of her Neo-Nazi past still imbued in her antisocial and often thoroughly repulsive output. On 28th April '24, among the miscellaneous and continual daily crap she re-posts from others was this: I replied to her and one of her sheep, simply pointing out a 100% fact: To which Claire Khaw (remember, her nonsensical secular koranism rubbish is claimed as a "legal system" that she wants Western Civilisation to adopt) replied, as she always does when you either disagree with her or point out simple, acknowledged historical facts (or ask her to prove some of her claims, which she has never done once in almost two years):   She also claims she has "great morality". How many people of moral standing who know nothing about you do you know accuse you, for the umpteenth time, of having dementia? What does this prove? Yes, that Claire Khaw is still a nasty, repulsive Neo-Nazi and that the 15 years she has wa

The bar is now becoming unreachable for us mere mortals

On the 19th April, Cliare Khaw added this string to her already weighty bow of self-adulation. It appears we are all "foolish": As if to reinfoce her absolute wisdom, she happily took part in this abhorrence. And she claims her secular koranism nonsense is a "legal system". You try saying something about her koran in Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nigeria or Iran, and see how long your head remains on your neck.   For reference, here is her self-eolugy: Claire Khaw claims she is " a legally-qualified moralist (an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority) , a psychologist ( no qualifications ), a social and political scientist ( no qualifications ) , a philosopher  ( no qualifications ) , a political campaigne r ( several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP ), a mental-help therapist ( dangerously, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other description ) ,

Survey time - "Is secular koranism, by any stretch of the imagination, a legal system?"

There is a survey . If you do decide to take it after reading this blog, or if you are happy having trapsed through some of the other blogs here on the baseless cult of secular koranism ( totally confidential and anonymous - any of your personal details will be ignored and erased, not revealed/loaned or sold to anyone and certainly not disclosed to a third party and furthermore, not used for any marketing or contact purposes by ANYONE ) please, for the sake of fair balance do base your responses on the actual screenshots you have seen see from Claire Khaw's output , and not from my own freely-admitted partisan commentary. The survey can be found here - I have summarised all the reasons (all taken from Claire Khaw's own postings) why secular koranism is simply a load of total bollox (with apologies for insulting "total bollox") and not even remotely a legal system. It is the flight of fancy of someone who has to have mental issue

"The world needs secular koranism like a great white shark needs a bicycle."

Having followed Claire Khaw and her ridiculous cult, the rubbish she reposts, in particular, statements that are 100% incorrect or just conspiracy theories, lies, fakery, the lunatics, misfit and jihadist-adoring nutters who laud her, the only conclusion that can be drawn is "The world needs secular koranism like a great white shark needs a bicycle." For starters: Hot off Facebook on 19th April 24 No Claire Knaw, it is called called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) - you believe that there are special reasons that make you better than others. Only you do. Absolutey no one else agrees with you. Anyone seeing the total lack of engagement with your Facebook posts would agree. "Wise" is one word that could NEVER be used to describe you I'm afraid, as readers will find out should they choose to read further. A small allegory to continue with : Susan and Tony Alamo were featured on BBC4 recently with their Christian Foundation, or "Ministry of Evil",