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Claire Khaw - unhindered by any form of, or the requirement for, credibility, morality and honesty - "The Khaw Effect"

I bought one of these some years ago. In it on the wall in my man cave, and every time I read the rubbish Claire Khaw posts, especially from the antisemitic USA chief of conspiracy theories, Paul Craig Roberts, (More about how he fits in with Claire Khaw's infantile secular koranism Sharia "legal system" later) I give a brief acknowledgement salute towards it. The red and yellow segments below are essentially Claire Khaw's sole points of reference.

Claire Khaw is very unique, in more ways than one. She is the sort of person whom, if you were in her company and she said, "Oh it's night time", you would have to look at your own watch as well as walk outside to check it was dark.

Are you familiar with the Sky TV documentary programme "Border Security"? It chronicles the protective measures Australia's Border Force, Immigration and Customs professional take to protect the continental and rather large island of Australia from the importation of illegal products such as food products/derivatives that could ruin the country's agriculture/food production and environment, as well as illegal drugs and other products.

It is "proactive" by nature in as much as it shows the lengths not only that illegal importers go to, but the similar lengths the authorities go to to prevent that illegal importation in the first place. X-ray machines, sniffer dogs, trained human behaviorists and stoppages.

To walk out into Australia from a transport terminal sees the average passenger subject to multiple notifications, including posters, handouts, voice announcements and the official legal document all receive, the customs declaration, printed in their own language and which has to be completed and signed prior to entering the Australian customs hall. These messages and notifications begin at the check-in desk in the country of origin, in the embarkation lounge, on the 'plane, in the walkways when leaving the 'plane and in the baggage, immigration and customs halls. There is absolutely no way that the traveler can miss these announcements.

The very simple message is, "if you are unsure, declare it, and for food, anything must be declared, whether later admitted by border control, or if it needs destroying as a threat to the country".

Continental visitors, most noticeably from China. Malaysia and Indonesia, despite being exposed to up to 10 or more messages about the dangers of importation of food into Australia, the legal requirement to declare it and the resultant fines that could potentially result, demonstrate the greatest contempt for these vitally important rules that are in place to protect Australia.

They will happily hand in their declaration, duly signed (remember this is a legal document) as not having any food, yet X-Ray or sniffer dogs very often disagree with the passenger's own declaration. When stopped because of this and border control ask "have you any food" they will still reply "no". When the bags are opened by customs and inspected, often kilos of food are discovered, all undeclared. And when the passenger is fined for not declaring it (remember, they will have seen multiple notices on their journey about the importation of foodstuffs and will have signed the declaration in their own mother-tongue to confirm they have none), they will still show absolute indignation at having their food items confiscated and a large fine imposed, and even go as far as to claim they are totally innocent.

Clair Khaw would be one of those passengers. She would claim, very vociferously, to be right, claim total innocence, and scream that the Australian authorities were wrong. This would be even though she would be quite obviously be breaking Australian law, and her lawbreaking wold be proven in the form of the copious quantities of food that would have been confiscated from her suitcases and subsequently destroyed by the Australian officials. It's called "The Khaw Effect" - unhindered by any form of, or the requirement for, credibility, morality and honesty - and a way of justifying her shambolic secular koranism cult as a "legal system", which it most definitely has been proven not to be in any shape or form.

Of course Claire Khaw has the legacy of being a neo-Nazi, that is until her support for the euthanising of disabled children, in particular Lord Cameron's now sadly deceased (from natural causes I hastily add - disabled son Ivan, who died in 2009 aged six as a result of the rare Ohtahara syndrome) under the age of puberty proved too much for even her cuddly, full-of-fun friends in the British National Party. She still supports that disgusting idea some 12 years later, having re-posted this similar disabled child-murdering sentiment from one of her conspiracy theorising antisemitic friends in America, who she idolises, despite admitting he "has mental issues" which she, despite lacking any training or qualifications, was "offering him therapy".

It is interesting that during the Nuremberg trials, many Nazis suffered "The Khaw Effect" decades before it surfaced as her "secular koranism" cult. After the Second World War, many Nazi's refused to accept they had done anything wrong. Defendants genuinely could not understand why there were in the dock being charged with barbarically murdering innocent people. This was said to be down to Hitler's efforts at rebooting the German people's morality.

Claire Khaw is very much like this. Highly immoral. She has zero comprehension and will not accept that, for example, reposting the utter nonsense from American antisemite and professional conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts does not lend any sense of credibility to her claims that her secular koranism cult is in any way a legal system. 

And similar to the multiple messages travelers to Australia receive about having to declaring food, Claire Khaw has been told well over a dozen time that re-posting Roberts's fiction is nothing but stupid. Three more re-posts from this crazy American lunatic this week so far (w/b 12 August 2024).  This is especially pertinent to her claims about her infantile secular koranism as anyway being a legal system, seeing she has already been outed and confirmed as a conspiracy theorist herself, and it does not inspire confidence in her output in general, let alone that her secular koranism cult. Modern day legal systems cannot be based on a belief in, the reoposting or the creation of conspiracy theories.

But not only that, when something she has posted is confirmed by others as being 100% fiction (she never offers accredited proof for her own claims), she wont remove it, because she lacks the moral fibre to do so, hoping that her few sheep-mentality acolytes will all see it. 

If it is especially abhorrent, you have to threaten to reveal her address and activities to the likes of the DWP or HMRC (thus risking her benefits, because she prefers scrounging from the system rather than working, so heaven alone knows why she claims to be "legally qualified" when she doesn't use her alleged qualification apart from boosting her fake ones, as in "legally qualified moralist"). 

Is this the way someone toting a "legal system" and claiming to be "legally qualified" should behave?

The woman who claims "not to be an antisemite" and questions "which of her friends are antisemitic" posted the image at the bottom of this page on 24th June 2024, having first posted it on 4th February 2024, well over a year after she made the aforementioned claims on Facebook. (David Duke is one of the world's greatest human Jewhating parasites).

In other words, Claire Khaw is openly immoral, dishonest and lacking in any credibility. 

However, there is one question that screams out for an answer. 

Why does someone who is not registered as a solicitor (with the SRA) or a barrister (with the Bar Council), and so cannot practice as either, put so much effort into telling all and sundry that she is "legally qualified". Instead, she chooses to be, as she calls herself, a "social media bum", on benefits for who knows how many years, filling social media and blogs with utter childish and dystopian nonsense, conspiracy theories and downright lies, engaging with, and praising and cheer-leading for the most jailable and sick dregs of humanity, instead of potentially pulling in hundreds of pounds per hour as a working barrister?

Aside from sheer laziness coupled with a sense of wholly undeserved entitlement, presumably there must be a hidden agenda that sees Claire Khaw pretending she's an agnostic and pushing he totally fake "legal system" that is nothing other than her proseletysing for one of the worst ideologies in the current modern world, that of the murderous and evil Iranian Mullah/Taliban/Hamas/ISIS-style Sharia that shows no respect for human life and is single-handedly responsible for religious, civil and political unrest over the past 40 years since France released the lunatic Ayatollah Khomeni to ruin, in particular, the once great countries that were Iran, Lebanon and Syria.

It is an awful thing to describe someone you don't really know as having mental issues. 

However, any sentient person reading though Claire Khaw's output, her lies, conspiracy theories, her fake professional abilities, her refusal to correct the 100% wrong statements she makes, her support for some the most unsavoury people on the planet, the numerous examples where she contradicts herself, the fact she is openly Christophobic, antisemitic and misogynistic yet claims to be an agnostic as she continually  proselytises for Iranian/Taliban Sharia and her refusal to accept that Jihadists are terrorists all prove, when you read her output concerning all the aforementioned, that she is most definitely, without any doubt,  suffering from very severe cognitive dissonance and is very extremely delusional.

I'm also surprised Claire Khaw hasn't posted this on her Facebook timeline. Adam West died in June 2017.


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