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New street-gutter low reached by the inventor of the "secular koranism" cult

I'd like you to hold the underlined statements in the image below in your mind for a few paragraphs.

It's the introduction to one of the most dystopian pseudo religious books on Amazon, described by a leading independent Islamic scholar in essence as being "just over 100 pages of inaccurate, pure drivel, in a larger than necessary font, that does nothing if demonstrate the writer's total lack of understanding of Islam and the Quran". The full excellently researched white paper can be found here.

I'd like to state from the outset that some people have said I am being somewhat harsh on Claire Khaw throughout these exposé blogs. Well I can assure you that everything contained within these blogs refuting secular koranism, while I have added commentary of my own, is 100% evidence-based on Claire Khaw's very own output on social media and elsewhere. 

Yes, I have indeed been harsh, because the evidence points clearly to Claire Khaw being an inveterate liar, a conspiracy theorist (she has NEVER ONCE provided proof from an acknowledged authoritative source for the often outlandish and patently 100% untrue claims she often makes - a strange thing for a supposed barrister to do), suffering as she does from cognitive dissonance and as a Christophobe, antisemite, misogynist, supporter of the extreme hard-right, supporter of Islamic Jihadism and proselytiser for Sharia Islam, despite claiming to be an agnostic, and suffering from sever delusions of grandeur far beyond her lowly status as an unemployed cultist lack-of-influencer. Some claim she is just barking mad.

This is hardly the ideal CV for someone who claims to run a world-domineering "legal system", even by the standards of the most forgiving of people. Yes, she is the only agnostic in the world constantly proselytising not just for a religion, Islam, but for the darker side of Islam, the Sharia of the Iranian cleric, the Hamas terrorist and the barbaric Taliban-degenerate. And she insultingly claims her cult has characteristics varying from Nigerian to Australian, American, Swiss, UK and Israeli, to her very recent declaration of it having, wait for it, Imperial Characteristics!

Such utter and total intelligence-insulting bull-crap stretching to the nth degree and beyond! What sort of fools does she take us for?

The underlined above says a lot about Claire Khaw, the inventor of the secular koranism cult. 

"But Claire Khaw claims it's a new moral and legal system, so are you calling it a cult?", I hear you ask. 

Fair question. I assure you it is, demonstrating, as it does, all bar one trait of a cult, that of financial gain.

However, after over 15 years pushing secular koranism to little effect, there would be no point in Claire Khaw claiming it as a business. She says it is not a religion. This is a straightforward lie; she claims in one breath it is a legal system, yet in the next breath she claims it is "Islam light". To any sentient person, Islam is a major world religion, which would preclude any possibility of Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status, because it would not look right for the director of a CIO, registered with Company's House, to have been on benefits for so long prior to suddenly register it as a charity. HMRC might not be on the same page as Claire Khaw about this, and would certainly conclude it was for personal profit and gain, and not for charity.

Well, for starters, this secular koranism nonsense lacks any legal provenance or intelligent coherence whatsoever. It's a total sham.

Secondly, the proof that is is a cult - and a Sharia one at that - can be found throughout Clair Khaw's divisive, disgusting and often dangerous output on social media and other channels. There is a summary here.

Coincidentally, some of the "other channels" she uses, such as Telegram, are the very ones favoured by the dregs of humanity, and not the ideal and respected channels for a "thing" claiming to be a "legal system" which, if it in any way was as Claire Khaw claims it to be, should have nothing to hide that necessitates the use of Telegram or these other dubious channels. Qualified legal people do not use Telegram to communicate.

Secondly, you do have to ask why someone claiming to have a law degree should be long-term unemployed. She is not registered with either the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) or the General Council of the Bar, (Bar Council), the representative body for barristers in England and Wales. She therefore cannot practice law for financial return by falsely claiming to be either a solicitor or barrister, which makes it all rather spurious to open a book about a cult and find the reference to the author being legally qualified as she states in the second paragraph. 

I could do similar and claim to be a Pastor, because despite having opted out of religion many moons ago, I have held a certificate for many years that qualifies and enables me to officiate in marriages in the United States, not that I would have a clue how to do it. But I freely admit the reason I have it - at the time I acquired it we, as a family, were seriously thinking of emigrating to the USA, and legally being able to perform marriages in the USA at the time was worth 30% of the qualification towards a Green Card. I would have had to pretend I was a pastor in the same way Clair Khaw claims here infantile nonsense is a legal and moral system.

Thirdly, as she ironically asks, is a "social media bum who hasn't had a proper job in decades" really the right person to run a "legal system" that she wants major governments to adopt?

Finally, if it is also a "moral" system, it should be noted that Claire Khaw has been an advocate for the parents of disabled children under the age of puberty being able to legally euthanise them. Not only is this purely and simply 100% immoral, but it is something that proved even too far beyond the pale for the neo-Nazi BNP party that she was an active member of. She took issue with Lord David Cameron's disabled child (now sadly deceased) in public, and the BNP slung her out for it.. Having a female Joseph Mengele in their midst was plainly too much even for the abhorrent BNP.

And more recently she has been a flag-waver for the vile Andrew Tate, he who helps stir up trouble for Southport by retweeting the conspiracy theory to his 9million zombie followers claiming the British citizen, 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, born and raised in Cardiff, Wales and who went on a murderous stabbing rampage at a dance class in Southport, Lancashire in the UK, was "an immigrant on the police watch list." The newspaper clipping below was from the 4th August 2024.

It is interesting to note as an aside that Claire Khaw not only claims Andrew Tate is a Muslim, the very religion that Claire Khaw proselytises for, but has also stated that "like myself, Andrew Tate is a psychologist as well as a moral and political philosopher".

"Shot" and "herself in the foot" comes to mind, because following the same analogy, Claire Khaw must also be a conspiracy theorist, misogynist, liar, although I'm not too sure whether she, like Tate, has ever been arrested twice for people trafficking and rape. It would appear that psychologists and moral, political philosophers stick together!

And on to the new subterranean low for secular koranism and Claire Khaw. Bring out of your memory that she claims to be a "legally qualified moralist".

On the 30th July 2024, while the British public were celebrating the long-overdue jailing for 28 years of the nasty Islamic extremist, terrorism enabler, former director of proscribed terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir UK and benefit scrounger Anjem Choudray, Claire Khaw's response was as follows:

"Bye Bye rule of law in Britain" because the judge (and remember, Claire Khaw claims to be legally qualified) had the temerity to send an "Islamic extremist, terrorism enabler, former director of proscribed terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir UK and danger to British society" to jail! 

And then on 31th July 2024, Claire Khaw posted this further absolute hogwash of an insult to British society, values and democracy:

Here, for the benefit of Claire Khaw's education, are details of the Islamic terrorism Choudray incited together with the like-minded terrorist-enablers he engaged with. The despicable history of evil jihadist Anjem Choudray. And Claire Khaw has the nerve to defend the evil man.

It does beg the question whether Claire Khaw has any sentient intelligence at all. Or has she even the simple capability to research or even just be aware of the facts that are, and have been out there in the public domain, available for even the most simple of people to research? 

What sort of a warped mind does this woman have? Even Muslims themselves were astounded that Choudary had evaded jail for so long! Yes, Anjem Choudray, the former director of the proscribed terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir UK.  But not Claire Khaw, the "legally qualified moralist".You might even think that with such a stoic defence from her, she was his "bit on the side".

Is this the expected response from someone claiming to be the inventor of a "new legal and moral system" that she want the West to adopt? Especially someone claiming to be a qualified British barrister? As a Christophobe, antisemite and supporter of disabled child euthanasia, would you like her to represent you if you were Christian, Jewish or had someone disabled in your family? And would you like this person in charge of the legal system in your country?

She is simply a liar, a fraud and a con-artist. It really is as simple as that.

Please feel free (if you can be bothered) to see the other evidence I have gathered contained in these blogs. Further information can be garnered by simply searching for "Claire Khaw" using a search engine on the internet. it does not make for a relaxing read.
She fails completely to understand that if she is going to continually bleat the highly antisocial, phobic and degenerate stuff that she does in her own blogs, the long memory of the internet will do he no favours.
How secular koranism is not much better than the horrific UK Post Office scandal

And to save you further searching, I repeat her fake CV:
  1. claims to be a legally-qualified (honours degree, non-practising barrister) moralist (she is not registered with either the SRA or Bar Council)
  2. a psychologist (no qualifications or experience)
  3. a social and political scientist (no qualifications or experience)
  4. a philosopher (no qualifications or experience)
  5. a political campaigner (one time for the BNP)
  6. a mental-help therapist (no qualifications or experience)
  7. a marriage guidance counsellor (no qualifications or experience)
  8. all on top of claiming to be "the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" and that "no one is intellectual enough to engage with her".
And, incidentally, Clair Khaw feels it is necessary to use Telegram to communicate ("Thank god for Telegram" the supposed agnostic inventor of "secular" koranism states). She plainly has something insidious to his if she feels she must do this.


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