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Claire Khaw claims she is moral. Really?

Firstly, lets recap on the claims Claire Khaw makes about herself:
"A legally-qualified (honours degree non-practising barrister) moralist, a psychologist, a social and political scientist, a philosopher and a political campaigner, a mental-help therapist"
Let's get a few of them the out of the way before getting down to morals, although her morality is questionable from, as they say in  her world of 24/7 Facebook stalking, "the get go" :
1. A psychologist - nope, not at all. No proof. No qualifications. What there is proof of is that she is a fantasist.
2. A scientist - definitely not, zero qualifications there also
3. Mental help therapist - no again. Zero proof or qualifications. There is otherwise alarming proof that she may indeed be mental, given some of her outpourings on Facebook and her divisively antisemitic blog
4. Political campaigner - sort of true; she campaigned for a neo-Nazi BNP candidate. Here's what Stephen Bates said about her in The Guardian on 29 April 2010 ("Nick" being the devilishly-named Nazi cockroach Nick Griffin):
5. That leaves "legally qualified moralist". 
We can see the morality has already totally evaporated. So is she actually legally qualified at all? She has been telling people that, but given her levels of fantasy in relation to everything else, and that we have established she is both a supporter of conspiracy theories and a conspiracy theorist herself, a liar, and not having seen any proof, it does now beg the question. Is she really legally qualified at all? She is not listed on either the Solicitors Regulation Authority site (there is a Phaik Suan Khaw, but Phaik currently works for a living) or the Bar Council site.
However, for someone who claims so vociferously to be moral, Claire Khaw has the very immoral habit of calling out anyone who disagrees with her as either mental, suffering from senile dementia (despite knowing nothing out them), or an Islamophobe (bearing in mind she claims to be agnostic and secular, she ONLY calls out people (most often wrongly) as being Islamophobes, never antisemites of which so many of hr acquaintances are. 
This is what she replies when you claim, like most people do, that her secular koranism is a load of Narnian rubbish (which it had conclusively proven to be), simply a misappropriated of bits of the Koran, which any idiot capable of cutting and pasting could do.
No, I'm not an Islamophobe Claire Khaw, as all my friends will attest to, it's just like most people, I think your secular koranism is a load of crap. Yet she is highly Christophobic, antisemitic and misogynistic herself. Which to her, is OK to be, while calling out others as Islamophobic. And she supports the infanticide of disabled children between birth and puberty. And never calls out Islamic Jihadists. And she thinks Andrew Tate, one of humanities nastiest boil, an out and out misogynist and liar, jailed as a potential rapist and people trafficker, is, like herself, no less, a psychologist and moral and political philosopher.
She claims she is running a "legals system", yet praises a being like Andrew Tate as a god! This proves Claire Khaw is either knowingly devious and evil, or just mentally unstable.
And she sees no wrong with jailed Holocaust denier and highly antisemitic conspiracy theorist David Irving, stating "he is entitled to his opinion". And she is almost in love with Paul Craig Roberts, a viciously antisemitic conspiracy theorist whom she posts his total fiction daily.

All very moral you will agree. Here she describes herself to a tee.

Here are examples of her "morality". Enjoy. But if you feel any of these are moral, please do get in touch and I will correct.



Four posts at one time on 24 Dec 23 from the abhorrent antisemitic conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts, featuring all the usual Jewhate tropes. And in posting the above, Clair Khaw has the bare-faced nerve to claim this below. See what a delusional liar we are contending with in Claire Khaw!

No, not illegal, but it is totally immoral. But you are one. And a liar too, which is also immoral..
Yes, I can find plenty. SEE ABOVE, and all over your Facebook timeline and nefarious blog!


  1. Which of the principles of Secular Koranism that I promote based on the Koran do you consider immoral?


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