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.......... and finally (well, not really; it's the gift that keeps on giving)

So, how can we honestly and objectively sum up Claire Khaw and what I have exposed as the utter and totally fabricated (apart from the bits misapprporiated from the real Koran) nonsense that is secular koranism?

Irrespective of any of the completely justifiable derision generated by this rediculous farce called secular koranism, what is perhaps the saddest aspect of Claire Khaw and her secular koranism is the total lack of compassion, love, truth, morality or respect to democracy or to fellow human beings seen flowing through all her Facebook and blog postings. 

That she supports the infantacide of disabled children, has never once condemned or even acknowledged the existance of Islamic terrorism and jihadism, that she is openly Christophobic, antsemitic and misogynestic, is all equally antisocial and deeply disturbing.

And that she denies all the above despite proof on her own social media postings there for all to see, is also very disturbing.

Sadly, secular koranism in its current form, and the attitude of its inventor Claire Khaw, shows many similarities to that of the Post Office Horizon scandal. Claire Khaw simply will not acknowledge that her secular koranism has been proven by qualilfied experts in the religious field to be so deeply flawed as to be unbelievbably ridiculous, and in essence, an insjult to the intelligence. 

She completely fails, through her delusional superiority above others, to acknowledge that theological experts and practitioners of Islam have a far better knowledge and insight into the ancient religion of Islam than she does. She derides and insults thelogical experts, both academic and religious, who have severally, decades of knowledge and experience, and jointly, hundreds of years of knowledge and experience. This is so blatantly immoral.

Wihout any qualifications or experience, apart from the 15 years pushing this ridiculous cult, she makes this unbelievably absurd claim that no person of sound mind would otherwise make:


The sheer hypocrisy, the inability to admit she is wrong, even when it can be and actually is proven 100% that she is wrong, to concede that those who contradict her and prove her wrong are not "islamophobes" or "suffering from senile dementia" just because she does not agree with their conclusions gained from simply reading her outpoutings of fantasy, falsehood, conspiracy theory and sheer hatred. Yet she will leave her false (or those of others using blame culture to explain that they are not her postings despite the fact she is the one reposting them) claims on her Facebook timeline for her often very disturbed and totally antisocial acolytes to see and spread further.

That this may result in something more serious is disturbing. And when something does indeed go fatally wrong (remember, the sole acoplyte she engages with on an almost daily basis is an American, where gun laws are lax and whom she admits has mental issues and shares her support for the infantacide of disabled children), the ramifications do not bear thinking about. Waco and Charles Manson come to mind.

And as a supporter and user of Hamas fakery and blame culture, combined with never admitting when she is wrong, and never accepting any responsibility/proof for her own fakery and conspiracy theories, I ask you to use your imagination as to what the conseqauences could be. And this is not libellous - it is all there on her Facebook timeline and her offensively divisive blog. (For any gaps, wayback machine has been used to make website address copies).

Claire Khaw also claims that Muslims living in the West are not real Muslims, mainly because they don't follow her brand (Iraniain/Taliban/Hamas) of misogenystic and murdrous Sharia. And that she, remember, as an Agnostic, has a better understanding of Islam than Muslims!

These three snips below from her Facebook timeline really sum her up perfectly. Her delusions can surely only be associated with a mental dysfunction. There cannot possibly be any other explanation. Unless she is a closet jihadist - potentially one of the new breed of "Islamoleftists", despite her far right leanings.



Her flag-waving for Iranian/Taliban style Sharia and for Hamas is positively disturbing, alongside her support for devisive conspiracy theories. And the fact the claims as an agnostic, while at the same time claiming that atheists all suffer from mental issues, shows she is totally clueless as to the actual meaning of the two words.

And her constant references to god, to people needing to have a religion (that religion being Islam - she is so vociferously anti-Christian it begs wonder why she has chosen to live in the UK, apart from its over-generous benefits system), and her Islamic references indicate that not only is she prosetlysing for Islam, but like George Galloway, the rancid failed politician, she could not be in any way Agnotsic with the views she holds that she has published herself on Facebook and her divisively antsemitic blog. 

She evidently considers us stupid to think we cannot see through this.

That she was a flag-waver and "polical activist" some years ago for the neo-Nazi British National Party is still very evident over a decade later. There can be no doubt that she would have been an ideal death camp guard during the Holocaust (although, as an advocate for jailed Holocaust denier David Irving, it is hard to ascertain whether or not she actually believes it occurred). Had she been, she would have been one of those women running off like a dose of diarrohea to Argentina after WW2, claiming, through her dishonesty and blame culture, she was only "carrying out orders".

To those who watch "Nothing to Declare", the Australian border control reality series on TV, Claire Khaw (remember she is Malay-Chinese) is the epitome of the Far Eastern nationals who fill in "nothing to declare" on their immigration cards (in ther own language for avoidance of doubt) as they enter Australia. They then throw a fit of indignation, start swearing and threaten not to pay the $1400 fine when kilos of probhited food and other prohibited items that are a threat to the Australian environment and economy are discovered in their luggage by customers officials. And despite confirming they have packed their own luggage, they then go on to claim they didn't know the prohbited items were there. 

This is Claire Khaw. Dangerous.


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