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Quotes. Everyone loves a quote. These are incredible.

I have no idea what the above quote makes me think of secular koranism and Claire Khaw.

Here are some of the gems from Claire Khaw of secular koranism as well some from her acolytes on her Facebook timeline or her own disgustingly divisive and antisemitic blog. The ones from her acolytes have been, at the time of writing this, on her timeline for months, many of which, if she had the level of morailty she claims, would have otherwise been removed immediately by anyone claiming similar "morality" to Claire Khaw. Admitting her favourite acolyte (Vncent Bruno) has mental problems, yet not vetting his wholly antsemitic, conspiracy theorising quotes, says a lot about Claire Khaw.

However, unlike Claire Khaw herself wouldn't like to allow you to do, I'll leave it to you to make up your own mind by reading the gathered evidence and then decide.

Some experts completely disagree

"I disagree with Claire Khaw. Claire claims to have invented a new version of Shari’a called “Secular Koranism". In developing her Shari’a, Claire only allows the Koran to be used and no other texts outside of the Quran. This is not a legitimate school in the shari’a, and even a cursory reading of the Quran would demonstrate the utterly bizarre nature of the claims you might relate to this individual"

Political and Religous academic lecturer Ustadh Salman Younas on Claire Khaw’s secular koranism cult

Again, the seeming self deprecation of the very first paragraph opens up to a view that she, her intellect and her ideas are superior to everyone else’s, despite being an unemployed social media bum who has no qualifications or academic training in any of the fields she discusses"

Muslim academic William Breiannis in a review of her ridiculous book

"She has judged the writings of others, pointing out publicly that, despite the efforts of several layers of editing, some typos and grammatical errors were still found. Her book spans 100 pages of larger than normal font such that, if she used a normal font (sized 11 or 12) her book may very well be less than 70 pages. Despite this, the reader will find well over three dozen typos, misspellings, lack of punctuation errors, grammatical errors and mistakes in formatting. This, despite her claim that the publication of this book was delayed for months due to its being edited for her.

Muslim academic William Breiannis in a review of her ridiculous book

"This idea (secular koranism) has met opposition wherever it has been presented. Audience after audience on so many platforms of social media have informed her of their rejection and yet, she has been unfazed. Over the last year, I myself have engaged with her repeatedly. I have offered constructive criticism, given positive feedback, refuted her idea and offered better and more viable counter proposals. This, of course, was not met well and her vitriol was spewed forth like venom on many an occasion."

Muslim academic William Breiannis in his review of secular koranism

Claire Khaw has repeatedly insulted the writings and presentations of others as being “incoherent” and not following any logical progression. She has also insulted others for not presenting their position or ideas in a clear and structured way such that the average person might be able to follow. Sadly, this book is guilty of these very issues. In so many ways, it is a presentation of ramblings right from the start. It is my estimation that this book, despite its brevity, will not be finished by many…even if the book is given to them. In fact, I believe more people would prefer to read my review of the book than the actual book itself.”

Muslim academic William Breiannis in a review of her ridiculous book

 "This is a cult leader, isn't it, and why is she using the image of a Jewish service with rabbis and a rabbi "name" for her blog page when she's not Jewish herself? Looks like veiled antisemitism to me as a back stop to blame Jews for her outpourings should her fellow Muslims object and need someone to blame". 

D.R.O. - retired deputy disrict attourney of an American city

"The concept that someone who has been brought up secular, or was born into one religion and who has since become secular would want to CONVERT to a RELIGION, (in this instance Islam), remain secular, and as a secular person, follow the rules of the Muslim bible, the Quran, is thoroughly ridiculous.

"The person who has thought out this strange concept plainly has either a total lack of understanding of the word "secular", or has a hidden and potentially divisive agenda at the expense of all major religions, including Islam, that certainly needs fully explaining. I, personally, have never come across such blatant and rather confusing proselytising.

"In fact, it is my considered, and if I may claim, expert opinion, that the concept of Secular Koranism is simply preposterous, rather pointless
and completely unecessary."

The late Professor James Aitken, Professor of Hebrew and Early Jewish Studies, Director of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Faculty of Divinity, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

Self-praise is no praise - all from the keyboard of Claire Khaw herself

"I am a legally-qualified moralist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher, therapist and political campaigner" -c onsolidated quote of her wondrous claims – and yes, the Pope isn’t Catholic, and bears never defecate in the woods

"I am the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" - This, without doubt, has to be the best claim a 100% qualification-less Agnostic person proselytising for Islam while claiming she is secular, can self-profess.

"Can you think of a more knowledgable theologian than me?" - "Yes" was my reply (we all can, easily), and I listed many, all fully qualified, many professors, many Doctors of Divinity, university lectures, Imams, Archbishops, Rabbis, none of which she is prepared to admit are more knowledgeable than her, despite her having zero theological training or any relevant qualifications

"Aware of my activities, [my mother] [accuses] me of being a crank and [wonders] if I have any friends because of my political views." - Observation from her mother admitted by Claire Khaw - possibly the only honest thing you will find she has written anywhere

"Can you understand that I am saying that my interpretation of the Koran is better and more suitable for the West than the interpretation of people who call themselves Muslim" - on her Facebook

"Can anyone remember me losing an argument"on her Facebook (you can’t win with her, because despite being a 24/7 Facebook stalker who responds immediately any time of day to comments on her facile postings, she mysteriously clams up when asked to prove her claims)

"It’s a great way of attracting the attention of Jewish men!" on describing herself as a "Shiksa", the mainly Americanised appropriation of the Yiddish word for a gentile woman or girl, now used by them to describe a woman perceived to be of low morals, common and lacking education, class and social graces, for example a prostitute or gangster's moll.

On being such a theological expert"

"Is liberalism a religion?" - Claire Khaw video

"Isn't Allah also the god of Israel also known as the Abrahamic god" - Claire Khaw (no he’s not, yet ‘expert’ secular agnostic, Claire Khaw repeatedly makes this claim despite being reminded each time that is is 100% untrue. Yes, Al is the god of the Muslims who live in Israel, but that is it. She just cannot, despite being “the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world", grasp this simple concept.

"The Koran is Zionist" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Islam is not a new religion. It was the religion of all the prophets. Including Adam, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. And we are Muslims [submitting] to him" - a meme posted by the Agnostic (note the “And we are Muslims” endorsed by the Agnostic pushing a supposedly secular cause!) Claire Khaw on Facebook about her secular koranism nonsense

"Allah is the same god as the Jews" - Matisyahu Berlow on Claire Khaw's Facebook

Bigging up the total nonsense that is secular koranism

"Secular koranism is just a legal system like EU Law" - Claire Khaw on Facebook (please, try not to laugh; it has zero basis in any law) 18/10/23

"Do you support a constitutional amendment to make the commandments of Allah, revealed in the Koran, the supreme law of the United States of America?" - Agnostic Claire Khaw on her ridiculous cult that is secular koranism, Facebook 10/02/23

"Secular Koranism being Islam Lite would in time logically and necessarily lead to full strength Islam if it is true that once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow. If all ideas come from Allah if He exists, then so too must Secular Koranism" (so she is proselytising for Islam!) Facebook 13/03/23

And her new misappropriation of  Christmas - the invented "Koraniyule", rather ironically combining her version of Islam Sharia with the pagan-to-Christian notion of "Yule". She may be a devoted Christianophobe, but it doesn't stop her misapprporiating and plagiarising its festivals.

Her idolatory of, and love for Hamas and the Taliban-version of Sharia law that she embraces

(Claire Khaw [the agnostic secularist] has never once condemned Hamas and the 07 October 23 massacre of Israelis that started the Gaza War - Islamic jihadist groups have plainly become a replacement for her former membership of the Nazi BNP party [Claire Khaw has never condemned Islamic terrorist groups])

"When the American Republic becomes an Islamic Republic, Israel would also become an Islamic Republic. When Israel becomes an Islamic Republic, Hamas will be content that Israel is no longer under the imperium of Christians whom they consider idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer." - on Claire Khar's Facebook, 9/10/23

"Al Aqsa is the Secret Third Temple already built. It just means Israel should be under sharia for peace in the Middle East" - on Claire Khaw's Facebook, 29/10/23

As an Agnostic

[remember, her so-called brand of ‘koranism’ she describes as secular]

"The Koran is a rule book from god" - Agnostic (secular) Claire Kaw on Facebook. She pushes the Koran continually. An Agnostic is, according to the OED, "a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God".

"The Abrahamic god is a proposition that cannot be falsified" Agnostic (secular) Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Inshallah" - Agnostic (secular) Claire Khaw on Facebook

"What would be wrong about obeying the laws in the Book of Rules from God?" - Agnostic (secular) Claire Khaw on Facebook replying to a negative comment about the Koran

"Proof that god exists and why god matters" Agnostic (secular) Claire Khaw in a video blog

Claire Khaw disagreeing with herself

"Mental illness, a learning disability or defects of character make us lie or say things that are provably false which we refuse to be questioned about." - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Vincent Bruno admits to mental illness, and I am giving him free therapy (she is NOT a qualified therapist). Why would you object to this?" - Claire Khaw on Facebook; she engages with Vincent Bruno several times a week in videos, blogs and on Facebook to discuss an entrre range of subjects neither have any qualification or experience to talk about; aside from being in an unfit mental state, Vincent Bruno is a conspiracy theorist and antisemite.

Claire Khaw's total paranoia with a bit of conspiracy theorising thrown in

Claire Khaw is absolutely infatuated with the CIA, thinking they are responsible for everyting in the world.

"Vincent Bruno admits to mental illness, and I am giving him free therapy (she is NOT a qualified therapist). Why would you object to this?" - Claire Khaw on Facebook; she engages in public with this antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Vincent Bruno, on an almost daily basis. Words such as "taking advantage of" do come to some people's minds.

On 19th December 23, "IS it god or the CIA that os conducting the global Milgram experiment? If God exists, He would be looking down with interest to see the results of his global Milgram experiment." - Claire Khaw (the agnostic) on Facebook

"Global media is controlled by the CIA" - Claire Khaw on Facebook (asked for proof of this no fewer than 27 times over 8 months – none has been forthcoming)

"YouTube is CIA Tube" - Claire Khaw (with antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno)

"Private Eye would have a field day with secular koranism, byut they aren't allowed to mention it. They need CIA clearance" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"She (a British journalist) is very welcome to get in touch with the Guardian [the journalist in question was actually is a Guardian staffer, but Claire Khaw simply does not pay attention to her own conspiracy theorising so totally missed the context] and demand they do a hit piece on me which they are forbidden to do by the CIA" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"I know you  mentioned me to her [a journalist] because you wanted athe Guardian view on secular koranism which they have deemed too dangerous [sheer irony there - it indeed a danger to society] to discuss. It's editorial policy imposed by the CIA."  - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"I  am sure the CIA will not be giving her permission to write about me. Ask here if there is a list people (sic) they are never sipposed to report on [there is not!]. I bet I am on that list." - Claire Khaw on Facebook. No, I'm afraid not Claire Khaw. They don't want to interview you because they think you are away with the fairies and don't want to offer you anything you would probably then misconstrue and twist as an endorsement for your ridiculous, unwanted cult].

"I even know a Sun employee [I'm still waiting for the employee name] who wanted to do a piece on me but the CIA said no." - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"I would be happy to put a whole bunch (sic) of questions and arguments to rabbis and Jewish intellectuals, but they have probably been warned by the security service not to engage with me." - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Europe is an occupied continent, occupied by America" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"America is a global empire" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"America is a global marine empire" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Yes it (Israel) has hosted the Eurovision Song Contest. Europe is an occupied continent, occupied by America" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

 Her support for conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists

"Claire. Rabbis get converted Noahides to kill Christians, that is the nidea, do you really think that is motherhood and applie pie? Rabbis alreay have 50,000 to 500,000 cultist Noahides, why would they give this up to rank the four gentiles religions which they want no one joining?" - the antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems, responding to Claire Khaw on her Facebook

"Hitdutva [Hindu Nationalism in India] is totally owned and is an arm of Zionism" - from antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems, reposted by Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Dicsussing the future of Israel under secular koranism with Vincent Bruno" - Claire Khaw on her video blog

"I am saying that the leaders of European nations are the poodles of Uncle Sam" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Jews are just the pawns of the American Empire, like the Ukranians" - Claire Khaw on her blog

"Are you aware that the penalty for Idolatry and blasphemy for Jews is death?" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"I'm tired of holding it back, I support infanticide. Any parent should have the right to take the life of their child until the child reaches puberty around 12 years of age. I am sick and tired of parents raising and destroying children they hate, it is better to have dead children than to have children who were reared in households where they were hated and now thay are deranged and a threat to public health" from Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems, reposted by Claire Khaw on her Facebook. Claire Khaw, while claiming to be a "legally-qualified moralist", is herself a supporter of this infanticide.

"Jehovah's Witnesses are a disgusting, homophobic, misogynistic cult and abandon their own children. Ur (sic) love for them is repulsive" - Vincent Bruno on Claire Khaw's Facebook followed by:

"Are you accusing me or Vincent Bruno of hate speech?" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Allah is the same god as the Jews" - Matisyahu Berlow on Claire Khaw's Facebook

"My exchanges with Vincent Bruno would tell anyone that we are diametrically opposed" - Claire Khaw on Facebook, 18/10/23

"Jesus was a Muslim and spoke Aramaic. He called out to Allah" - some jerk called Abu Sofiyah on Claire Khaw's timeline who was completely unfazed when I pointed out that Islam wasn't invented until some 600 years after Jeeus was on earth. Claire Khaw's (remember, she is the greatest theologian on earth!) Facebook 30/03/23

On not being an antisemite herself 

(Remember Clair Khaw’s blog about Islam is named “Radicalised Rabbi” and features a picture of Rabbis reading from the Torah – yes, she’s not antisemitic (!) just ensuring Jews get blamed for her outpourings of rubbish in her blog that’s offensive to Muslims)

"Do Jews know they have been made a mascot for the neocons?" - Claire Khaw on Facebook (I have no idea what she has against attendees of this annual international commercial design industry exhibition

"Jews must support fascism, with Vincent Bruno" Claire Khaw on her video blog with antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno

"Who amongst my friends is a Nazi"- Claire Khaw askes me on Facebook

"Indian Noahide Terrorists" - the caption antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems, placed on a photograph from the World Noahide Community of 8 Indian students holding the certificates they received at a ceremony to acknowledge their academic achievement in Jewish thrology studies.

"Telling Vincent Bruno how secular koranism will slide into Islam and how rabbis are going to make this happen" - (remember, Claire Khaw claims to be Agnostic) video discussion with antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems

 "Israel is actually a de facto member of the EU (er, not it's not - it's an associated state of the European Union. The relations between the two are framed in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and the Union for the Mediterranean) - antisemite Davd Michael Shayler on Claire Khaw's Facebook page

"Both (Europe and America) are puppets of the Zionist New World Order" - antisemite Davd Michael Shayler on Claire Khaw's Facebook page

"David Irving (jailed Holocaust denier and recognised antisemite) is entitled to his opinion" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"I've watched some of David Irving lectures and interviews and I must say he is a bit of a legend they could not refute him, who was just reporting based upon the empirical data that he managed to collect which could be verified, but they wahted him to believe things which could not be empirically proven" - Mujajis Uddin, one of Claire Khaw's antisemitic supporters on her Facebook

"I am able to associate with antisemites without being tarred with the same brush" - former BNP member, Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Jews are just the pawns of the American Empire, like the Ukranians" - Claire Khaw on her blog

"Holocaust denial is not illegal in the UK, but the government is treating it as if it were. So much for the rule of law. The rules are always being rigged" - Claire Khaw, 25 May 2018 on X/Twitter defending jailed professional antisemite, Alison Chabloz.

"I would be the first to admit that Hitler was not perfect and led his people to defeat and disaster" - Claire Khaw on Facebook and the sum total of her denunciation of the drug-addled, megalomaniacal, Jewhating mass-murderer Hitler

"God loves the Nazis" - Sunny Isa Lal, a regular zombie acolyte of secular koranism on Claire Khaw's Facebook

"I am sure you will be delighted to meet Alison Chabloz" Claire Khaw on Facebook (I have no idea why Claire Khaw thinks I might be delighted to meet a jailed professional antisemite)

Claire Khaw’s skewed view on the meaning of morality

Showing her morality (that she claims she has by the bucketload, always asking over and over again "What have I posted that is immoral?". Here we go:

"Like Claire Khaw, Andrew Tate (arrested for rape and people trafficking) is also a psychologist, as well as a moral and political philosopher" describing Andrew Tate in an interview reposted by Claire Khaw on her blog and Facebook

"Unmarried parents should get 100 lashes a prescribed in the Koran, How many you (by “you” she means, "me" this is a very moral accusation she makes to someone she knows nothing about!) got?” - Agnostic Claire Khaw on Facebook

Clair Khaw’s public hatred for Christianity

(Remember, even dare to suggest the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, and you’ll be called an Islamophobe by agnostic Claire Khaw)

"Christians are virtually extinct in the West" - Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Worshipping a dead Jew on a stick is offensive to God and reason. If only someone would tell Christians that." Agnostic Claire Khaw on Facebook

"If god exists, Christenom is going to be zapped to kingdom come. Even if god doesn't exist, Westeners still need a religion (Islam) better than their idolatrous shit which they still won't give up" - Agnostic Claire Khaw on Facebook

"Jehovah's Witnesses are lower in status than Muslims" - Claire Khaw in a live discussion on her blog once again with antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, he with mental problems, who claims to be a former JW himself

"Christendom was established by idolatory and blasphemy"- Claire Khaw in her comment removed within hours from a Jewish-interest website


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