Please read and digest the following two points carefully: The inventor of the secular koranism cult, Claire Khaw, claims: "I am a psychologist, legally-qualified moralist, scientist, philosopher, therapist and religious expert, probably the most theologically knowledgable in the West if not the world" What is your impression of the above statement in the context of the following post of hers on 16th January 2024? She posted this a few years ago: For starters, you will see that her avatar, almost a month old at the time of this post, is the Yiddisha (of Polish origin and nothing to do with Hebrew) word for a "female gentile" or "woman of non-Jewish" origin. The word is now only really used somewhat pejoratively and predominantly in the USA, where it has entered the general language as a term for a "loose woman", "prostitute" or "gangster's moll". Very old-fashioned, ultra-religious (Hassidic) Jews of Eastern European o...
To paraphrase Thomas Edison - "This is something already in existence, just repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't and will never work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"