Please read and digest the following two points carefully:
- The inventor of the secular koranism cult, Claire Khaw, claims: "I am a psychologist, legally-qualified moralist, scientist, philosopher, therapist and religious expert, probably the most theologically knowledgable in the West if not the world"
- What is your impression of the above statement in the context of the following post of hers on 16th January 2024?
She posted this a few years ago:
For starters, you will see that her avatar, almost a month old at the time of this post, is the Yiddisha (of Polish origin and nothing to do with Hebrew) word for a "female gentile" or "woman of non-Jewish" origin.
The word is now only really used somewhat pejoratively and predominantly in the USA, where it has entered the general language as a term for a "loose woman", "prostitute" or "gangster's moll". Very old-fashioned, ultra-religious (Hassidic) Jews of Eastern European origin still use it to describe a gentile woman.
Claire Khaw made this statement.
And then two rather revealing statements that really are a self-examination by this rather mad woman:
You make up your own mind. Don't let me influence you.
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