If you like an hour debating with an unplugged, empty vending machine about the return of your money, then debate with Claire Khaw! You'll probably at least get somewhere! With the unplugged vending machine that is. As I said in my first blog, secular koranism is the equivalent of a social cure for which there is no disease. It is like some bright spark in a health authority saying "Hey, as we're throwing away far too many crutches, let's reintroduce polio". From “ Secular Koranism? Refuting the Novel Call Coined by the Woman, Claire Khaw ” (a detailed review paper by the Islamic academic Wm. Halim Breiannis, reviewing her appalling book that she claims is a " legal system [of happy-clappy Sharia no less] for the world " On Page 4, second paragraph, beginning line four of Wm. Halim's appraisal, and according to Claire Khaw herself: “I was born in Malaysia… …I came to England when I was 15 as a student. …I did manage to pass my Bar Exams and gra...
To paraphrase Thomas Edison - "This is something already in existence, just repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't and will never work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"