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Comparing the inventor of secular koranism to the Horizon Post Office scandal

The inventor of the secular koranism cult, Claire Khaw, and the Fujitsu Horizon Post Office scandal have so much in common!

1. Clueless, if not immoral legal people from the Post Office saying all was all fine and dandy when it most certainly was not. Claire Khaw claims to be an honours law graduate.

2. Apportioning blame to everyone else except themselves (the trait of a cult).

3. Those postmasters who were blamed, lost their lives or were jailed, had to pay back money they did not owe, were vilified by their communities, lost their businesses, their livelihoods and their homes were all ignored despite proof being in their favour that Horizon was not fit for purpose and that the sub-postmasters were all in fact 100% innocent. It is very simple to prove Claire Khaw wrong, almost excl;usively though her own postings, yet she will NEVER admit, take responsibility or apologise she is/was wrong.

4. The Post Office made sh*t up as they want along in an attempt to obfuscate the truth about Horizon. Clair Khaw demonstrates evidence (a word not in the secular koranism dictionary) of this sort of activity throughout her timeline and divisive, sectarian blogs.

5. Despite being proven wrong, the Post Office is still saying to this day that nothing was really wrong on their side, another trait of the secular koranism cult.

6. Sub-postmaters are still to this day having to use the Horizon system with the Post Office claiming there are now only 1 in a 100 errors that postmasters now DON'T have to make up if the figures are wrong, thus proving the system still doesn't work.Claire Khaw ably demonstrates her cult won't work either in modern society.

7. Senior Post Office management claimed under oath that they didn't think anything was wrong and that they were not being fully informed of the situation. Claire Khaw won't admit she is clueless in much of the divisive material she posts. And she rarely if ever proves the conspiracies she spreads or removes them when rock-solid proof they are wrong is provided to her.

8. The Post Office have still not taken back fully their claims against some postmasters, despite being indisputably proven in the wrong by bot only their victims, but by Parliamentary committee enquiry. Another trait exhibited by Claire Khaw.

9. Fujitsu are still obtaining contracts from the government. Claire Khaw is still posting conspiracy theories in support of her cult, in particular the utter derided rubbish from conspiracy theory and antisemitic specialist, the American grinning Cheshire Cat lookalike, Paul Craig-Roberts. This is despite the fact that Clair Khaw is continually reminded that posting this sort of fiction does not lend any gravitas to her nonsensical Sharia cult as in any way a "legal system" (which of course, irrespective, it most certainly is not).

10. The Post Office has been caught out on several occasions proving themselves to be liars. Another trait exhibited by Claire Khaw.

11. Sir Alan Bates was duly recognised for his incredible tenacity in offering straightforward proof (another word not in the secular koranism dictionary) that the Post Office was in the wrong.

At its most granular level, the cult leader of secular koranism, Claire Khaw herself, claims that "it is a legal system". The two words "secular" and "koranism have been proven by Claire Khaw herself to be an oxymoron, because Claire Khaw has stated that her secular koranism cult is in fact "Islam lite (sic)". A religion is only a legal system in the most undemocratic and dystopian of societies, such as Afghanistan.

Islam is one of the world's major religions, so by her own written admission, if "secular koranism" is "Islam lite", it is therefore religious in nature and not in any way secular. You do not convert to a religion, or have to follow the Chinese Whispers of a bible to become secular. You OPT OUT of religion if you wish to be secular, or to be an agnostic such as Claire Khaw untruthfully claims herself to be.

More so that Claire Khaw, despite claiming to be an avowed agnostic, continually proselytises ONLY for Iranian-style Sharia, which is certainly not secular, and she defends Jihadists such as Hamas, which is a highly sectarian terrorist organisation adhering to the Quran (in its own twisted manner) and thus not secular.

I rest my case m'lud and remind you:

Claire Khaw claims she is "a legally-qualified moralist (an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority), a psychologist (no qualifications), a social and political scientist (no qualifications), a philosopher (no qualifications), a political campaigner (several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP), a mental-help therapist (very dangerously, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other description), and now, as of April 2024, offering marriageability classes (again no qualifications and certainly not accredited by RELATE), all on top of being, as she claims, "the most theologically knowledgeable person (she claims she is an agnostic, and again, has no theological training or qualifications) in the West if not the whole wide world", asking on 4th November 2023 if "We can think of a more knowledgeable theologian than she?".  Well yes, actually, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi, Khateeb Hafiz Mueen ud Din Akhtar and Qari Hafiz Javed Akhtar, the leaders of the Manchester Central Mosque, for starters!

We all indeed can think of a multitude of much more knowledgeable theologians than she. In fact a Muslim child is more knowledgeable.

And as mentioned, on 19th April 2024, Claire Khaw added that "Most people are too foolish to recognise my wisdom".  

And on 5th May 2024, yet another string was added to weigh down the bow Claire owns that is constructed from recycled toilet paper - "It seems I no longer have friends on Facebook, I have followers. I have also been upgraded to digital creator” (you have to ask Facebook for this, you are not "upgraded by Facebook" But will she come clean on this - NO of course not. Horses will fly when she does.).  

For someone with no end to her talent, there seems to definitely be no talent at her end!

Just dystopian, anti-democratic misery.


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