To paraphrase Thomas Edison - "This is something already in existence, just repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't and will never work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"
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Malice in Wonderland
Reading between the lies (sic) of Claire Khaw's book on her ridiculous "secular koranism" cult, it it hard to think of her as anything but unhinged. From the oxymoron of a title itself to the completely dystopian world of Sharia she acts out in its hundred pages, you can only conclude there is something disturbingly wrong going on in her mind.
That she started her secular koranism cult nonsense around the time Jeremy Paxman interviewed the convicted terrorist, ISIS supporter and benefit scrounger Anjem Choudary on BBC's Newsnight in 2010, cannot be less than coincidental. This her propensity for copying and pasting the evil Sharia nonsense that she does and her infatuation with patriarchy with seemingly unwavering support for misogyny and the degradation and subjugation of women.
She is plainly clueless about Islam itself, and there is no wonder that the few highly-qualified Islamic scholars who have read about her secular koranism cult thus far are extremely concerned about the potential Islamophobia it would create if more widely read. She is a dystopian and societal-dangerous, sectarian, a hate-spreading fence sitter, pretending she is an agnostic.
All that is missing from her book are some cut-out images for her simpleton flock of two or three brainwashed acolytes that follow her to colour-in of the Burka that 22-year old Mahsa Amini,was murdered for not wearing by the thankfully now late Ebrahim Raisi, the butcher of Tehran, one of Claire Khaw's many despotic heroes.
More than anything, it's the falsehoods and lies Claire Khaw spreads that are the most disturbing, all hiding in plain view in her vile output on social media and throughout her thoroughly divisive blogs. I've evidentially chronicled it all elsewhere on this blogsite, so won't re-post all the evidence (along with proof, two words not in Clair Khaw's dictionary, qualified barrister or not) again.
Unless you’re either blind or stupid, there is
absolutely nothing secular about Claire Khaw’s cult. She calls it
"secular" koranism in one breath, but then claims it’s "Islam lite" (sic) in
another, praising her Allah as god and at the same time always
pushing Sharia, not the sort of activity you would expect from a true agnostic.
There is nothing secular about converting to Islam light or otherwise,
because Islam is one of the world's major religions. There is nothing either secular or agnostic about converting to any religion, a basic tenet Claire Khaw seems totally unable to even have a basic understanding of. And there is certainly nothing secular about Sharia. You don’t encourage someone to become a Roman
Catholic claiming it's all secular and then shout and scream at them like a petulant child be baptised
and take holy communion.
has a mental fixation about blasphemy, taking every opportunity to call others blasphemers. Yet she is so patently Christophobic and
antisemitic herself. And it’s only her Islam that currently murders
people in Pakistan for blaspheming.
And her other fixation, which goes against established historical fact is, she constantly claims Allah is a Zionist! Plainly lacking any understanding at all of the history of Zionism. All the Hamas, Taliban and Hezbollah Muslims wanting to murder Jews and wipe Israel off the map, yet she claims their divine inspiration is Zionist! Zionism is solely for Jews, not Muslims, not Christians, not Bhuddists, not Hindus. You simply could not make this stuff up as Claire Khaw does!
Remind me not to enter a room when Claire Khaw is smoking her Sharia wacky-baccie!
She constantly claims she is not antisemitic and asks "who of my friends is antisemitic?". Well, David Irving ["he is entitled to his opinion" Claire Khaw claims - his "opinion" is that the proven Holocaust by Hitler against 6 million Jews did not happen] and Alison Chabloz for starters. Irving she has been photographed with twice an lauding Chabloz whom she thinks should not have been jailed for her rampant, public displays of antisemitism.
She adds, "It is not against the law to be antisemitic" - this coming from someone who claims to have an honours degree in law from Kingston University! By association then, it must not be against the law to be Islamophobic, the word she screams the moment anyone bats an eyelid at her precious Sharia. Quickly someone, phone the far right-wing and tell them it's OK for them to roam the streets shouting "black letterbox" at Muslim ladies in burkas and calling any Muslim man they see "a Mohammad". It's a Claire Khaw ruling by association.You have her full permission.
She eclipsed even her own vapidity by posting this on the 24th June 2024. An interview with one of the greatest living Jewhating maggots on the planet. Who, apart from someone with a sick antisemitic mind would do this? And she claims her secular koranism cult is a "legal system"? Plainly Jews and Christians will have zero legal standing under her ridiculous "laws".
As a country, we have a proud record of free speech, which I for one would defend to the last. However, were there to be a law against those who abuse free speech, resulting in their banning from the internet and speaking in public, Claire Khaw would be top of that list. She lost her right to free speech years ago and should be stopped. She is a highly dangerous and socially irresponsible woman who should be treated in the same way as the despotic, dystopian Sharia regimes such as in Iran and those of Hamas and the Taliban that she so readily supports and cheer-leads for.
Thankfully, she has been preaching her hate-filled venom during the past 15 years in a complete echo chamber, with only a small group of supporters strung out along the balcony walls who have the combined IQ of a petrol pump, if that.
It has to be either her upbringing or very deep psychological and delusional problems that have her the way she is. She should perhaps consider emigrating to Iran where she can mistreat women until she is completely satiated; or perhaps she should return to Malaysia, country of her roots, whose former prime minister is the biggest piece of excrement in recent history, the virulently anti-Semitic Mahathir Mohamad.
If she did return, she'd be sorely missed in England, Iran and Malaysia.
Before starting this, I remind you that Claire Khaw professes to be, " A psychologist, a legally-qualified moralist, a scientist, a philosopher and the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West if not in the whole wide world". All the evidence presented below is either from her own timeline/offensive antisemitic blog, or from freely available authoritative (unlike Claire Khaw who only uses Wikipedia) sources. It is worth noting the words legally-qualified moralist above in the context that since the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7th October (it is now 28 Nov - 7 WEEKS since) NOT ONCE has Claire Khaw called out the atrocity, admitted that Hamas are terrorists or offered/shown the slightest sympathy for the 1,400 Israeli brutally murdered, or acknowledge that the Hamas Charter, which is accessible everywhere on the Internet, is acknowledged worldwide as calling for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. And she had the bare-faced nerve to post this ...
I have just showed this (it was posted inthe Virtual Bnai Noah-Nohide Community but seems to have disappeared now from both - the moderators plainly thought it was as megalomanically iffy as I did - of course given Claire Khaw's total lack of morality, it is still on her timeline at the time of posting this some hours later) to a very old school friend of mine who I have met who I've not seen for years an is a recently retired deputy District Attourney in the USA. He was popping though the UK travelling on elsewhere to see family for Christmas (2023). Without knowing anything about secular koranism or Claire Khaw , he intoned " This is a cult leader, isn't it, and why is she using the image of a Jewish service with rabbis and a rabbi "name" for her page if she's not Jewish herself? Looks like veiled antisemitism to me as a back stop to blame Jews for her outpourings should her fellow Muslims object and need someone to blame ". I also think that with...
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