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Yes, starting a religion! The saga of ridiculous nonsense continues . . . . . .

To celebrate 15 years pushing the incredible nonsense that is secular koranism to no avail, apart from grabbing the attention of conspiracy theorists and people with mental issues, in typical fashion, without the honesty, integrity and morality of admitting secular koranism has been the abject failure it is that no one is interested in, Claire Khaw had an L. Ron Hubbard moment on 22nd Dec 23. She has seen the signs. 

The £, $ and € signs that is.

Yes, Claire Khaw thinks that people want her to start a religion; the same Claire Khaw, the agnostic proselytiser for Islam via her secular koranism, has talked herself into thinking people actually want her to start a religion. You can tell by the tone of her postings that it will be yet another total con job.



It is indeed ironic that the "disturbingly" probably does indeed refer to her acolyrtes, most of whom are in fact very disturbed people! And in fairness, that 5 people out of a world population of some 8,045,311,447 (at the last UN count) agree, and that secular koranism has been such a farcical failure, yes, 5 is a disturbingky high number.

Could it be coincidence that living in penury, she has finally listened to someone and is binning her secular koranism nonense? And that "someone" is perhaps L. Ron Hubbard who said "if you want to make money, start a religion".

And further proof is that I offered the following secnario in response to her ridiculous announcement:

I approach the Canadian government with a proposal they enshrine my legal system into their constitution. I claim kit is secular but is actually me, as a supposed Agnostic and secular person, proselytising for Islam.

My secular legal system, much of it simply misappropriated from the Koran in Taliban style, is brim-full of antidemocratic, Iranian-style Sharia.

I support Hamas, the Taliban and misogyny, I'm deeply and insultingly Christophobic, I state only that Hitler "just made some errors", I want unmarried parents to be flogged 100 times and I support the infanticide of disabled children between the age of birth and puberty. I also think that Andrew Tate, arrested for rape and people trafficking, and who has an infantile addiction to chocolate (evidenced in a TV documentary), is a philosopher.

I make conspiratorial claims that I offer no proof for and I use the unique form of Islamic blame culture developed by Hamas since 2006 to justify things I say or claim that are otherwise provable by others as being 100% incorrect or just plain and simply false.

I interact daily (and almost solely) with an antisemitic conspiracy theorist who, I acknowledge has mental issues, and I discuss things I have no true experience of or insight into. I also repost the blogs of the lunatic American antisemitic conspiracy theorist Craig Roberts, infamously known for blaming the Jews for 9/11.

I defend the likes of professional antisemite Alison Chabloz and I think that Hamas only want the Jews of Israel to live under Sharia, despite the overwhelming evidence that their charter, senior members and clerics openly calls, like Hitler did, for the extermination of world Jewry. My personal blog, despite being written by me as an agnostic secular Islamic proselytizer, very inappropriately uses Rabbis reading from a Torah as an image and is called "RadicalisedRabbi" despite having nothing to do with Judaism, apart from its antisemitic content.

They stick with it a little longer and ask for provenance.

All I can provide, after 15 years of flogging my dead-horse "legal" system", is a badly written, self-published book on Amazon that has been completely slated by two acknowledged expert and qualified Islamic scholars. I had asked them to review my book and my secular koranism. They pointed out one inaccuracy after another noting that I had a negligible understanding of Islam.
I laughed at them and told them despite my lack of knowledge and zero qualifications in the Islamic religion,, that it was they who were both wrong.

All the above can be evidenced by either my Facebook page or my blog.

I also have no visible means of income and was a member of the BNP, a British neo-Nazi political party, hence the reason I won't call out Hitler and why I think that jailed Holocaust denier David Irving is "entitled to his opinion" (ones he vehemently yet dishonestly lectures on as facts, hence the reason he was rightly jailed in Austria).

What do you HONESTLY think the Canadian (or any other) government would make of all the above Claire, apart from either thinking you are stark, raving mad.

Her response to the above (within minutes - as previously mentioned, she stalks Facebook 24/7), all of that in my above response was simply gathered directly from her own postings on her Facebook timeline or her divisive blog, was:

How she can offer the above response to my scenario defies belief! It is hilariously unfunny and an insult to the intilligence.

Yes, it's true in its conspiracy theory content, violence towards women, self-contradiction, Christophobia, antsemitism and anti-democracy. But it is most certainly completely illogical and lacks any form of morality. 

Never calling out Islamic terrorists, moral? Encouraging misogeny, moral? Christophobia and antisemitism, moral? Praising Hamas, moral? Embracing conspiracy theorists, moral? Spreading conspiracies and fake news, moral? Claiming Allah is the god of Israel, moral? Claining Hamas only want Israel and its Jews to live under Sharia, moral? Citing only Wikipedia as your source of proof, moral? Claiming, without any qualifications, to be more qualfied in theology than learned religious leaders and qualified academics, moral? Claiming to be an agnostic when praising god, wanting people to have a religion and constantly proseletysing for Islam, moral? Calling others Islamophobes when constantly and profanely insulting Christianity, moral?

The list of immorality is endless. It is so totally shambolic and dishonest.

So, everyone, stand up and welcome the real-life equivalent of the High Priest from Monty Python's Life of Brian, as she starts her money-making venture (someone call DWP and HMRC to let them know!).

Or if not, here is Claire Khaw explaining not-butter:

However, just be thankful that here in the UK we have strict gun laws, or we could end up wih another Jim Jones, Charles Manson or Branch Davidians. Although, with her sole acolyte in America being this (she has no formal therapist qualifications, by the way):

And they both ascribe to this:

So I leave you to draw your own conslusions as to what sort of religion it might end up as and who potential victims in the USA could be!

Yes, give her and Bruno a rifle and stand back.


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