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Koraniyule - yes, you read that right. More Narnian nonsense from Claire Khaw

As if the conflicting, oxymoronic title of Claire Khaw's "secular koranism" cult is not bad enough, she is now misappropriating the end of year predominantly Christian-orientated holiday time with the inventing of "Koraniyule". 

Presumably this leads up to Koranisolstice on 22nd December, prior to Koranilent around Easter with Koranikippur and Koranidawali in the Autumn.

What the Koran and Yule have to do with rabbis reading from the Jeewish Torah is a mystery and proves the skewered thinking of cultist Claire Khaw

Koraniyule exists only in the mind of Claire Khaw, but in fairness, she has managed to talk some of her sheepish devotees (all five of them, one of whom she states has mental issues) into believing that this nonsensical Koraniyule, like Santa Claus, actually exists. 

It does not.

It is such a shame there is no sanity clause to get rid of all this Narnian secular koranism nonsense!

Claire Khaw is the first to call out anyone who looks at her Koran sideways or accuses those as Islamophobes who dare to suggest that Hamas, the Taliban or ISIS are Islamist terrorists. Yet she is extremely and quite nastily Christianophobic and somewhat antisemitic herself. 

And therefore, she is one huge hypocrite.

That she choses to misapprporiate "Yule" as having any form of tenuous connection with Islam, typifies the hypocrisy of  Claire Khaw. "Yule" has Nordic and
Scandinavian origins with a dose of the Germanic winter festival historically observed and incorporated into Christmas at the time when Germany was becoming Christian. You can't get any more far removed from Islam than northern Europe of centuries ago.

But here we have Claire Khaw misappropriating the rather pagan end of the Christian festival of Christma while denouncing Christiains and Christianity idolitors who "worship a dead Jew on a stick". And she claims to be "a moralist and possibly the most learned theologian on the planet".

You might be forgiven for thinking she is stark-raving, bat-sh!t bonkers.

Ironically, despite Claire Khaw's protestations that her cult is "secular", it is decidedly a proseletyising vehicle for Claire Khaw's skewed version of Sharia, something many Muslims actually find highly offensive (she dismisses them as not being "real Muslims"). The problem is that she lacks any real knowledge or understanding of Islam herself. 

This has been pointed out to her again and again by many experts on Islam, but Claire Khaw does not accept that these highy-educated and qualified people, many of whom are religious teachers, have anywhere near to her level of theological knowledge and expertise, which is otherwise quite correrct, as her knowledge is zero. 

Or even less than.


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