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"I am not antisemitic, who of my friends are antisemites/Jewhaters? You can't be jailed for being antisemitic!"

Yes, she is not antsemitic, yet sees nothing wrong with posting this on 21 December '23, giving publicity to the piece of dog excrement that is the highly-jailable neo-Nazi Nick Griffin.

What normal person claiming not to be antisemitic even pays the slightest attention to this vile human being? She should be dismissing him, not publicising him. And she does this all the time, having the absolute bare-faced cheek to ask this yet again (having asked it many times before and been offered proof on every occasion) on 27 Dec '23
Claire Khaw is out on her own here. As she says herself below: "I don't think". And that is the basic problem. Claire Khaw tends not to think, apart from the odd thought or 30 that she is always right and everyone else is wrong. She will never admit to being wrong or that there are people out there who are far better and far more qualified than she is as the expert she dishonestly claims to be. She doesn't care about the feelings of others, how her viscious, conspiracy-laden nonsense and lies affect the people who have the misfortune to read it. Or how the absolute horse-sh*t she reposts from the deviant dregs of society who prowl the bottom of the internet with her offends people.

You can guess precisely what type of "legal system" her secular koranism really is! Straight out of Mein Kampf (one of her declared favourite books by the way). With Iranian/Taliban Sharia characteristics.

She is the CEO running a business she knows absolutely nothing about. She is the HR director who knows nothing about people. The manager who is clueless about managing. The driving instructor who not only does not know how to drive, but who has been banned for life before ever getting behind the wheel.
It is interesting to note that not once since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on 7th October '23 has Claire Khaw condemned them. Surely as a legally-qualified moralist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher and political campaigner, all on top of being "the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" who claims she is not an antisemite, she should, like any normal person, be condemning them?
STOP PRESS: This posted on 3rd December 23 equating the secular koranism nonsense with Zionism. 100% antsemitism.
You posted it, which is the same as saying it Claire - read on for proof folks. Ask Aison Chabloz, or one of your heroes, the Holocaust denier David Irving 

Really? She's patently never heard of "Guilt by Association". Some legal expert!

So asks and states the secular koranism wunderkind. Indeed, "who of her friends are antisemitic?". Well, the answer seems to be plastered all over her Facebook timeline and her divisive blogs. And you can't be jailed for being antisemitic. Well, it appears some of your friends have been there and done that. Been jailed for their antisemitism! So much for Claire Khaw being a self-declared "legally-qualified moralist".

Yes. several of them have been rightly and deservedly jailed. 

And this is what is so frustrating and divisive about Claire Khaw. While she never proves many of her public utterances by using a recognised, credible and qualitative source (she uses mainly Wikipedia to support her arguments - try using Wikipedia in Court to defend a drunk driver - Relying on Wikipedia) she leaves trails of her own self-confusion all over her internet output. What we mere mortals call "proof" to contradict her, all provided by her! Yes, you couldn't make it up! But it's there, not even hiding in plain sight, simply just in plain sight.

And we've all heard of  "guilt by association". You don't voluntarily promote Metallica and their output claiming to be a rock metal expert if you only listen to Adele, Celine Dion, Ed Sheeran and Sugarbabes.

For starters, who, as an Agnostic and secular former Buddhist, and someone who is not Jewish, would title their blog "Radicalised Rabbi" featuring a host of antisemites with your support for them? Some say it is intended to enrage her hard of thinking devotees, or perhaps those who otherwise value and adhere to their Quran into believing her rubbish is written by a Jew and so deflect the outrage she causes to the more religious Muslim who is otherwise totally offended by her ridiculous notion of "secular koranism". 

After all, a more truthful description of her nonsense would be "secular Muslim", written more logically by a "Radicalised Imam" (oops, sorry, I've pinched that one). 

A rabbi will certainly have some knowledge of the Quran, more so than Claire Khaw, but not anywhere near to that of the level of an Imam who is usually a qualified, life-long Islamic scholar. And you never hear of a "secular Old Testamentist", just a "secular Christian". 

So the made-up term "secular koranism", is totally nonsensical. An oxymoron. 

And in a post on 29 Nov 23 in a subtle antsemitic post on a community page she has joined, trying to infer Jews hate Cristianity. Such devisive nonsense.

What we have in Clair Khaw is someone who thinks that because her cows only eat grass and are therefore vegan, the ice cream made from their cream, milk and butter is therefore 100% vegan. 

No Claire, 'fraid it don't (sic) work that way! If you sit on both sides of the fence at one time, to quote Corporal Jones from "Dad's Army", you are likely to "Get it up 'em Mr Mainwaring".

So let's have a look at some of the supposedly "non-anstisemites" she favours.

Top of the pops has to be Alison Chabloz who Claire Khaw thinks "shouldn't have been imprisoned for antisemitism". Er, no Claire, you, as a "legally-qualified moralist" should realise the law doesn't work that way. If you breach the conditions as part of a previous suspended sentence for similar offences, and you then repeat them, being jailed sends a message to others that bigotry, racism and Jewhate, plus breaking an existing suspended sentence, means you are breaking the law. You must have missed that bit when doing your law degree. One which I am beginning to think you don't actually possess, because you haven't the slightest clue what the word "proof" means.
Antisemite Alison Chabloz jailed


The above from her disgusting "Radicalise Rabbi" blog.

"A surprisingly Muslim-friendly woman" but no mention of her as a deranged Jewhater. If you were not antisemitic, would you engage with her? Here she is with the deranged antisemite Chabloz again:

Yes, I'd be happy to visit her behind bars to just grin at her. 

Next is charmer Vincent Bruno. He is an American, deviant, antisemitic conspiracy theorist of the first order. Claire Khaw declared that he has "mental issues". He appears "in conversation" with Claire Khaw all over her timeline and blog, almost on a daily, if not more often, basis.


He has made some fine pronouncements over the past year. This one proving he is utterly clueless about Zionism.
I asked Bruno for his proof about his claim. He said: "He provided links to academic sources but you (that is, me) ignored them". Here are his "provided links to academic sources". A single blog! (You are currently reading a blog - yes, one that has been researched and provides proof, but mine, like the one he provided below, is by no means "academic"!)
Yes, a blog by an antisemite who "watches Noadhides" which is a group of bigoted reprobates conspiratorially think Jews control the world. This is the pinnacle of ignorance and Jewhate. Yet does Claire Khaw denounce it? No, she does not. Here Bruno picks on a small group of students from India whom he states are "terrorists".
No, Vinnie boy, these below are terrorists. These below from Claire Khaw's friends in the Hamas School of Jihadism and Murder. It is very hard for people such as those in the photograph above to terrorise people just with a graduation certificate.
Vinnie Boy is also not keen on disabled children. Claire Khaw, the legally-qualified moralist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher and political campaigner, all on top of being "the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" supports this.
He's also got it in for Jehovah's Witnesses too
And Claire Khaw then had the bear-faced cheek to ask this on 17 Nov 23
 And they both love having other conspiracy theory chats together
And here they both are setting up Rabbis - and Jews - for any potential fall. Yes, blame the Jews. The great get out clause for antisemites. Hitler and Goebbels did that too, funnily enough. And they were raving nutter Jewhaters.
And this was hilarious - bear in mind Bruno is a highly-antisemitic conspiracy theorist. Laughable.

And this was posted by her on Sunday evening, 29th October 23

Oh, it wasn't Hamas who said the following. It was a mad Jewish Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi who has been condemned by the UK Chief Rabbi, with support from the Iran-loving Neturei Karta sect of religious Jewish nutters (the Jewish equivalent of non-violent Jihadists) who are loathed in Israel and Jewish communities abroad - they don't work for a living, won't serve in the army, yet are happy to parasite off the Israeli Government on handouts.

Modern-day Kapos, the lot of them. And here she is reposting about one of the major, vilest self-confessed antisemitic world leaders with nil comment about his abject Jewhate from Claire Khaw (Claire Khaw herself is Malaysian!)
Malaysian highy-antisemitic Prime Minister

And to finish with a flourish. Just to confirm, she has NO association with Nazis. Not much. Infanticide support

Plainly eye-witness accounts, survivor accounts, mass burials, heaps of stolen clothing and personal effects, including gold teeth and jewellery, movie footage and photos from liberators and the reports from international WW2 British, American and Russian army personnel at the time is not enough for dear Mujahidin.

And here, a prime example of using ridiculous words and wording ("mascot for the neocons" - she plainly watches too many old Star Trek episodes) to try and look like it's an academic statement when in fact it is puerile rubbish typifies Claire Khaw's vapid output.

Yes, she claims she is not antsemitic and that none of her friends are antisemitic. Even a primary school child would say she is a liar. Look at her favourite book below. Yes, she's not an antisemite.




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