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How can Claire Khaw possibly be the "psychologist, legally-qualified moralist, scientist, philosopher and religious expert" she claims to be?

Then, from her oracle and only true religion Facebook, on 22 Nov 2023, Clair Khaw reposted this incredible, 100% debunkable and factually incorrect, claptrap.

You may or may not realise that the most recent of the above persons mentioned in the above meme (Jesus) passed on some 600 years before the invention of Islam! The originator of the post can be forgiven for being a simple peasant locked in a faraway fantasy world of their own, but as for the "most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" to repost it, it shows a severe lacking in any theologolical or biblical knowledge whatsoever. And that's just in the very basics of theology. In fact, she demontstrates a primary school-level lacking of knowledge.

And the above was hastily followed by this

Claire Khaw has repeated this statement numerous times. As self-acclaimed "most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the whole wide world" she has zero concept and she will not accept  that Allah was, is not, and never will be "The god of Israel" (except for the 1.7 million Muslims currently living in Israel). This level of dogged ignorance is just unbelievable from somone who claims to be so knowledgeable and expert in religious affiars (despite being an alleged Agnostic and secularist herself). Here, she once again shows her total ignorance by leaving this idiotic response on her timeline without comment/refute:

And on the 4th November 2023, in a challenge to Clair's Khaw's expertise, she answered (with a question of course, as she always does to anything challenging her self-professed vast superiority at everything [and knowledge of nothing])

Yes Claire Khaw, thousands of people if you must know, including my neighbour's cat. Meanwhile, when discussing the semantics of the location of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (they are essentially co-located not far apart), the "most theologically knowledgeable person in the West if not the whole wide world" seems to have very little grasp of basic Muslim holy sites (this FAQ posted on 2nd Nov 2023)

By the way, she also hilariously claims she is a legally-qualified (honours degree non-practising barrister) moralist, a psychologist, a social and political scientist, a philosopher and a political campaigner, a mental-help therapist, all on top of being "the most theologically knowledgable person in the West, if not the whole wide world".

So, as an "expert", she has also identified people in the west who call themselves Muslims, which she feels they themselves have no right to do. I'm sure many of my Muslim friends would disagree. And strange though it may seem, I do know quite a number of Muslims who call themselves Muslims, whether Claire Khaw likes it or not. It would appear she has taken Nazi Aryan eugenics and racial purity too much to heart prior to being slung out of the British National Party for her support for the post-natal killing of disabled children.

There are some experts whom, for some strange reason, notably related to reality and truth, seem to disagree. As in the case of the respected Islamic scholar Wm. Halim Breiannis, as below, having read Clair Khaw's "book" on her secular koranism, he stated.

And as a Jew (albeit not observant), I most definitely know she is quite clueless about Judaism and she has zero understanding of what Zionism is, as can be seen by this utterly ridiculous statement of hers:

An allegory or two

Can I interest you in a motor insurance policy, there's reasonable monthly repayments . . . . . but do note that the policy will never pay out if you have a motor accident or if someone steals your car?

Well, how about buying my restaurant instead? It seats 70 people, has an ultra-modern catering kitchen and a fully-stocked bar . . . . . . . although, sorry, you can't serve food and drink in it, and you will have to close by 6.00pm each evening before dinner.

Or maybe you’d prefer to go to DFS and pay the full retail price for a sofa?

Ok. Perhaps not. Well, in that case, why not try "secular koranism"? It's wonderful, but only in the same way that you wonderfully rest in bed when you contract malaria or have a slipped disc.

I have also undertaken extensive research into the often stupid, infantile and often dangerous socially irresponsible, oxymoronic claims she makes in relation to Islam. Or rather, what she ignores about Islam.

I will stress, as I have done and continue to do on many occasions, that I have numerous Muslim friends who similarly think she is not only deluded and barking mad but actually a liability to Islam. My claims are based solely on my observances of her postings (also called rantings and ravings) and then researching those observances. Unlike this woman and her cronies, I have steered away, as I always do, from fake news, conspiracy theorising and blame culture. It's all about solely what I have identified and observed on her own timelies and blogs. 

In the meantime, here is a blog from some 12 years ago that I found more than interesting that you may care to visit. It's from Ben Woodhams:

Following, are some of her megalomaniacal and very confused or nonsensical claims to digest. Enjoy.

(No, because you won't let them, you never answer the questions you are asked, you never provide proof for your answers and never admit when you are wrong! That's the dishonest and cowardly way [a recognised feature of cults by the way] of not losing an agrument. Never admitting you are wrong, even when you are plainly 100% wrong).

Some facts

  • You won't find a website or any scholarly articles on "secular koranism" out there on the internet. Not even a pamphlet similar to those given away by Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons. In fact, if you google her invented oxymoron, "secular koranism", it brings back almost nil results. That's after some 15 years of Clair Khaw promoting this nonsense.

  • the inventor is a former Buddhist, now Agnostic, who, while she pushes her "secular" (non-religious) "koranism" (her own invented term "koranism" which infers adherence to a bible which is religious) wants everyone to convert to Islam.

  • she will not admit the term should really be "secular Islam/Muslim"

  • she seeks her own version of Sharia Law (at times not the most harmonious division of Islam when in the hands of the jihadists and terrorists she resolutely refuses to condemn) to be enshrined in the USA constitution

  • she seeks the Supreme Court of the United States to acknowledge (remember, she is Agnostic, and peddling something she claims is secular) the rules and commandments of Allah (not known for being an especially secular person himself)

  • she does not acknowledge the millions of people killed by Muslim-on-Muslim aggression 

  • she wants people given 100 lashes if they have a child out of wedlock

    The "charming" response from the "legally-qualified moralist" Claire Khaw claims to be.

  • she wants a ban on gay marriage or civil partnerships

  • she does not acknowledge that many acts of modern terrorism have been through Islamic extremism

  • she does not condemn Islamic terrorism, therefore she does not condemn groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah or any of the groups listed here Counter terrorism many of which are proscribed by sentient people. But she's happy, even as an Islamist herself, to condemn a highly-regarded retired Imam she knows absolutely nothing about, simply beceuse he considers her secular koransm to be the pile of rubbish many have similarly condemned it as being (whom she has also insulted). Yet she is so quick to call out others for being Islamaphobic. Such hypocrisy.

  • she has never apologised for the recent Israel war started by Hamas terrorists (or even given  condolences forthose killed, tortured, raped or taken hostage - that, it seems, is what is needed to be a "legally-qualified moralist" like Claire Khaw), 9/11, 7/7, Manchester Arena, Israeli Olympic athletes or any other Koranic-inspired terrorism acts of the past 30 years, something a genuine Agnostic would be on point with immediately

  • she claims it is better for people to be to the far right (the very ones who seek to destroy Islam) than to disagree with her

  • she claims Christianity "is kaput", yet will not condemn the unique Islamic traits of blasphemy murders in Pakistan, compulsory burka/niqab wearing for women, girls not allowed to attend school to get educated, 95% of females being genitally mutilated in Somalia, underage female marriage and the utterly nonsensical notion of 72 virgins awaiting murderous Islamic martyrs to arrive at their feet

  • she does not disagree that in Turkey, Islamist sex with children is fine, or condemning it is an offence Gatestone Institute

  • she has never condemned fatwas where some complete off-his-head weird beard from the likes of Iran will issue a 'holy' hit squad on someone they don't agree with - cf, Sir Salman Rushdie

  • she reposts videos and blogs (rather than make direct comments herself) from some of the weirdest and most dangerous bunch of conspiracy theorists and fake news providers on the internet, and is a fan of the divisive and crazy Russian Television, broadcast home/former home to the likes of George Galloway and David Icke

  • she is a fan of the hypocritical, reprehensible and professional antisemitic harridan that is the American senator Ilan Omar, the jailed Derbyshire antisemite Alison Chabloz (who she claims should not have been jailed), antisemite George Galloway, terrorist groups Hamas and the Taliban, arrested terrorist Anjem Choudray, Holocaust denier David Irving, antisemitic conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts, Andrew Tate, arrested for rape and people trafficking (who she claims is "like her, a psychologist as well as a moral and political campaigner") and most disgustingly of all, she is a big fan of American antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno who advocates for the murder of disabled postnatal children between the ages of birth and puberty.

  • if you comment on her postings, at least 80% of the time she will reply with a question rather than address the point you originally raised

  • her get-out clause is to immediately call you an Islamophobe (or as a "legally qualified moralist promoting a new legal system" she calls you a "senile dementia" sufferer - very moral indeed!) if you say anything against Islam that she doesn't like (remember, she is an Agnostic who will otherwise merrily and hypocritically besmirch and insult Christianity herself at every opportunity without fear of a Christian "fatwa" being imposed on her, because she knows that unlike her Muslim jihadist heroes, "kaput" Christians don't impose that barbaric and deeply antisocial practice on people who disagree with them or their normal Bible)

  • she tries to push you towards joining her Telegram group, of which she states as the Agnostic and secular person she claims to be, says, "Thank god for Telegram"; Telegram is a platform beloved by jihadists, groomers, rapists, scammers, cranks, antisemites, Islamophobes, homophobes, fake news spreaders and conspiracy theorists for their private conversations

  • she is very, very confused, and as a result a potentially great danger to society with her skewered thinking



These passages are contained in the bible she wants us all to join (yes, it sounds completely ridiculous 'joining a bible' as a secular member, but that is what the oxymoron "secular koranism" implies - yes, utterly meaningless. A total effrontery to human intelligence.).  [By the way. Other bibles are available and do contain their own violent passages!]

Such mind-blowing tolerance and admiration for others . . . . .


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