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What sort of "thing" at all is this secular koranism nonsense?

DISCLAIMER: I am deeply indebted to the "fully-qualified", "experienced", "professorial academics" and a "working legal eagle" all of whom, in their professional capacities (apologies, no names for obvious reasons) have given up their time to concur fully with my observances based solely on the facts and evidence (all obtained through Claire Khaw's own postings) that I have gathered. It has not been my intention in any way to do so, but there is nothing libelous or defamatory within this series of exposé blogs. It is all simply fully evidence-based, with reasonable conclusions drawn on what I have observed, to demonstrate the utter, blatant, disingenuousness of secular koranism and its inventor.

To paraphrase Thomas Edison 

"This is something already in existence, just vapidly repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't, and will never, work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"

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Welcome to the first of a series of blogs on the subject of "secular koranism" and its inventor Claire Khaw. This rather long first blog sums it all up. There are other supplementary blogs, with supporting evidence I have gathered that delve in further detail in relation to many of the aspects mentioned here. An overview can be found here.

Secular koranism is the equivalent of a social cure for which there is no disease. It is like some bright spark in some health authority saying "Hey, we're throwing away far too many crutches, so let's reintroduce polio so we can make better use of them".

It should be noted from the outset that while Claire Khaw fully enjoys the freedom of expression for women in the UK, her brand of Islamic Sharia with its "Iranian characteristics" is highly hypocritically  misogynist and extremely dystopian.

Apropos the above image from Facebook, posted on the 14th Nov 2023, I remind you she is herself a Malaysian immigrant to the UK. Could you imagine being a Briton living in Malaysia making equivalent pronouncements about the Malaysian authorities or Islam? Of course you can't. Because you'd more than likely be jailed and/or deported.

The late Professor James Aitken, Professor of Hebrew and Early Jewish Studies, Director of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Faculty of Divinity, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, told me:

"The concept that someone who has been brought up secular, or was born into one religion and who has since become secular would want to CONVERT to a RELIGION, (in this instance Islam), remain secular, yet as a secular person, follow the rules of the Muslim bible, the Quran, is thoroughly ridiculous.

The person who has thought out this strange concept plainly has either a total lack of understanding of the word "secular", or has a hidden and potentially divisive agenda at the expense of all major religions, including Islam, that certainly needs fully explaining. I, personally, have never come across such blatant and rather confusing proselytising. In fact, it is my considered, and if I may claim, expert opinion, that the concept of Secular Koranism is simply preposterous, rather pointless and completely unnecessary."

This is one of her deluded "mission statements", straight out of her book that could be renamed "Taliban Bedtime Stories".

And another: 

And the latest iteration on 24 Nov 23:

Note: "With" Vincent Bruno, who Claire Khaw acknowledges has "mental issues" and is a confirmed antisemite and conspiracy theorist. She is always "with" Vincent Bruno. Her latest "with" (28 Nov 23) is purely homophobic. So much for her untruthful denial that she never demonstrates "hate". And it's a nonsensical "homosexual vortex" no less.

Wm. Halim Breiannis, a recognised Islamic scholar, has her cult summed up. In a detailed, lengthy and extremely well-researched commentary paper (which Claire Khaw dismissed out of hand - she should have had the common sense, then, not to ask a qualified expert for his opinion if she can't accept it), he summarised Claire Khaw's secular koranism as follows. 

On her secular koranism, as the laughable "legal system" it is:

"As we begin to draw near to the end of the paper, I want to revisit and make clear what secular koranism is and why it is an untenable idea. Perhaps a good place to begin is to remind the reader, we find that CK has not been able to offer her call in any structured way and this paper has been the first to present it in any coherent manner. It is my hope that in doing so I have shown that she is not only not qualified to offer any reasonable interpretation of the Qur’an, much less establish any laws based on it, but that she, despite being a graduate of law school, does not really display an understanding of legal theory or any philosophy of jurisprudence. Rather, her novel call is juvenile at best and, at worst, an attempt to undermine the efforts of actual Muslims in our lands who are striving day in and day out to establish the guidance of God and heal society."

And then in a further paper he wrote about the infantile self-published book she in turn wrote on the subject, on 19th June 2023 he said:

"This idea (secular koranism) has met opposition wherever it has been presented. Audience after audience on so many platforms of social media have informed her of their rejection and yet, she has been unfazed. Over the last year, I myself have engaged with her repeatedly. I have offered constructive criticism, given positive feedback, refuted her idea and offered better and more viable counter proposals. This, of course, was not met well and her vitriol was spewed forth like venom on many an occasion.

What she has to offer may seem like it makes sense on a surface level to some but, any investigation at all would make clear that what she has is worse than worthless, it is a cheating of the people out of opportunities for real progress to be made. She is asking us to substitute the immorality we see being wide spread today with a system of law built upon absolute state control into nearly every sphere of our lives. She wants us to give up on the founding intentions and principles of America and implement a new government completely unidentifiable from the one we enjoy today. She wants us to give up our rights in place of state offered privileges based upon a social credit score.

Well, I would ask her, if Islam is the inevitable outcome of correct thought according to Truth, Logic and Morality, why then does anyone need a counterfeit, retarded imitation? The reason is that she sees the people as being too stupid and too bigoted and so, rather than simply freely presenting the offer of a two dollar bill, she would rather try and sell a three dollar bill.

All in all, I found the book to fall short in every meaningful way one would measure a book."

Naturally enough, Clare Khaw will not accept these criticisms from a person academically and far more qualified on the subject of Islam than she is.

So yes, as the burka-clad inventor says herself, "WTF indeed is secular koranism"?

While all the examples contained within this series of blogs have been provided from the inventor's own output on social media/in blogs/on YouTube, I have added comment. It is entirely up to you what your own opinion is. Unlike Claire Khaw when criticised, she simply will not accept she may be wrong, or that she has a moral obligation to modify or change her often nonsensical, insulting or often 100% wrong postings. Yes, some may say I may err myself throughout this blog (and I am happy to accept constructive criticism), but all I have done is re-post material from her own never-ending, demonic and highly-antisocial output, and added what I think are reasonable conclusions.

For a start, the two-word title she has decided upon is a ridiculous and nonsensical oxymoron. Look up any dictionary, and you'll see that "secular" relates to "non-religious" while "Koranism", the made-up word the originator has devised, similar to the stupid word "housebarrassment" that DIY chain Wickes invented, is based on the Muslim holy bible, the Quran, that she has wholly misappropriated. In fact, the misappropriation has been interpreted by Islamic scholars to exhibit the Islamophobia she so readily accuses others of who prove her wrong or find her output devious or just extremely silly/insulting.

Secular koranism was created by Claire Khaw, an excised member of the British National Party (BNP) see back in 2009 (interestingly, despite its 15 years in existence, any automatic built-in spell-checker on a computer will underline "koranism" in red and reject it as a non-existent word!). Claire Khaw states she is a former Buddhist and is now a self-proclaimed Agnostic (yet one who supports a God!), and a secularist (as I have said, who supports God!) SEE THE IMAGES DIRECTLY BELOW. She was ejected from the BNP for being too far-right with her support for the legalisation of the murder of disabled children between the ages of birth and puberty. In my opinion, not a very moral objective from one who objects so vehemently and questioningly when accused of immorality.



Note the use of the terms "Inshalla" ( "if God wills" or "God willing") and "Dawah" (religious conversion), are not terms the average genuine Agnostic or secular person would use so lovingly.
Is all the above in any way Agnostic and secular? I would have thought it's all rather disingenuous for her to claim it is.

She is vociferously anti-Christian and very insulting with it, not prepared in any way to allow others to practice what they themselves believe in without derision (remember, she considers herself a "legally-qualified moralist" as well as "agnostic and secular" yet feels it is appropriate to make the following offensive observances in pursuance of her "legally qualified morality"). 


She is also a keen promoter of conspiracy theories and quite paranoid about it: (Full details here: Can't beat good conspiracy theory when your core followers themselves tend to be totally deranged.

She supports conspiracy theorists such as:

Paul Craig Roberts, an anti-Semitic syn­di­cated colum­nist and identified conspiracy theorist, wrote an arti­cle on his per­sonal web­site claim­ing that there are sus­pi­cions “that the French shoot­ings were  a false flag oper­a­tion.” Roberts iden­ti­fied sev­eral rea­sons for this, includ­ing “to sti­fle the grow­ing Euro­pean sym­pa­thy for the Pales­tini­ans and to realign Europe with Israel.”

Vincent Bruno - a vociferous antisemitie, homophobe and deep conspiracy theorist with zero understanding of Zionism (amongst many of his other fine attributes - Claire Khaw actually admits herself that he suffers from mental problems - the perfect person to engage with continually)

Andrew Tate - arrested on charges of rape and people trafficking. Claire considers Andrew Tate to be "like her a psychologist as well as a moral and political philosopher". Doesn't say much for her as a "legally qualified moralist".

She says Adolf Hitler (whom, apart from saying he "was not perfect", she has yet to condemn him in any of her extremely divisive social media accounts and blogs as the megalomaniac, antisemitic murderer he in fact was).

Before examining secular koranism is any great detail, it is worthwhile trying to classify what it actually is supposed to be.

Its inventor, Claire Khaw claims it is a "legal [and moral] system for the world that will establish the patriarchy". What she has done is misappropriated the Koran and added the ill-conceived text from a puerile book she has written and self-published. This is equivalent of adding some 20 or so A4 pages of very amateurishly-written, baseless (according to several Islamic scholars) personal nonsense of her own, distorting existing Islamic Sharia principles for her own agenda that she expects some of the great democracies of the world to embrace into their own constitutions as law.

This in itself is simply deluded fantasy.

She runs a blog that for some strange, and many consider, a quite warped-agenda reason, is titled "radicalisedrabbi" (remember she is Agnostic and secular and NOT Jewish, so why has she chosen such a divisive name title does not take too much imagination). That she expects the 210 million Christians (including the likes of the white supremacists and the trailer-trash of the KKK), 7.5million Jews, 3.45 Muslims, 3.3 million Hindus, 1.5 million Buddhists and 105 million others, including the American legislature in the USA, to accept her twisted form of Sharia into USA law is just so far beyond 100% fantasy as to defy logic.

Secular koranism and the demands of Claire Khaw have been likened to the Vegan Society trying to force the British government into instituting a "you must eat meat on a Friday" clause into UK law.

It is worth noting she is also somewhat notorious for her misogyny and homophobia, and has never condemned either the Taliban for destroying post primary education and employment for women in Afghanistan, the Iranian Morality Police for their murder of young women who refuse to wear the hijab, itself an item of clothing not actually mentioned in the Quran (the publication she has misappropriated in pursuance of her quest), or Hamas and the Taliban for throwing LGBT people from the tops of tall buildings.

It should be also noted that this secular koranism actually demonstrates many of the traits of those of a cult. That she targets America with their love of moneymaking happy-clappy religions, and the foundation of many cults over the decades, has to be more than a coincidence, although while not defending her, there currently appears to be no financial requests to support her secular koranism ar present.That is, not yet.

"Is Claire Khaw’s “Secular Koranism” a legitimate school of Shari’a? -  I disagree with Claire Khaw. Claire claims to have invented a new version of Shari’a called “Secular Koranism. In developing her Shari’a, Claire only allows the Koran to be used and no other texts outside of the Quran. This is not a legitimate school in the shari’a, and even a cursory reading of the Quran would demonstrate the utterly bizarre nature of the claims you relate to this individual." - Ustadh Salman Younas

“Secular Koranism? Refuting the Novel Call Coined by the Woman, Claire Khaw” by academic Wm. Halim Breiannis

Page 4 second paragraph line 4 of his review of secular koranism, Wm Halim Breiannis observes Claire says of herself:
“I was born in Malaysia… …I came to England when I was 15 as a student. …I did manage to pass my Bar Exams and graduated with a degree in law… worked as a legal secretary  before marrying and becoming a mother. …Aware of my activities, [my mother] [accuses] me of being a crank and [wonders] if I have any friends because of my political views. As well as a political activist, I am a social and political scientist promoting the political philosophy of nationalism.” 

The above could not exactly be classed as a particular strong or positive selling point for her alleged vast range of supposed abilities!

A Comprehensive Book Review of Claire Khaw’s Monumental Work and Magnum Opus, “Secular Koranism” by academic William Breiannis

PAGE 6 of his review of Clair Khaw's book on secular koranism:

Similarly, she has judged the writings of others, pointing out publicly that, despite the efforts of several layers of editing, some type-os and grammatical errors were still found. Her book spans 100 pages of larger than normal font such that, if she used a normal font (sized 11 or 12) her book may very well be less than 70 pages. Despite this, the reader will find well over three dozen type-o’s, misspellings, lack of punctuation errors, grammatical errors and mistakes in formatting . This despite her claim that the publication of this book was delayed for months due to its being edited for her.
Along with this, there is a point that will be made later but can also be mentioned in this section. Claire has repeatedly insulted the writings and presentations of others as being “incoherent” and not following any logical progression.
She has also insulted others for not presenting their position or ideas in a clear and structured way such that the average person might be able to follow. Sadly, this book is guilty of these very issues. In so many ways, it is a presentation of ramblings right from the start.
It is my estimation that this book, despite its brevity, will not be finished by many…even if the book is given to them. In fact, I believe more people would prefer to read this review of the book than the actual book itself.
Again, the seeming self deprecation of the very first paragraph opens up to a view that she, her intellect and her ideas are superior to everyone else’s, despite being an unemployed social media bum who has no qualifications or academic training in any of the fields she discusses. 

To note that Claire Khaw states Secular Koranism is a "legal and moral system she wants governments to adopt":

  1. You won't find her own website or any scholarly articles on "secular koranism" out there on the internet apart from the ramblings Claire Khaw has included in her divisive personal blogs ( has been purchased by a friend of mine for £23! That's almost 15 years into Claire Khaw's obsession with this "important legal system" nonsense she has concocted, yet she doesn't have a website)
  2. Secular koranism has not been registered for discussion with the Office of the Lady Chief Justice's in UK
  3. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the Office of the Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice in the UK
  4. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the UK Parliament
  5. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the House of Lords
  6. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the Ministry of Justice
  7. Secular koranism  is not a registered CIC (Community Interest Company)
  8. Secular koranism  is not registered as a Charity
  9. Secular koranism  is not registered as a Partnership or Limited Company
  10. Neither has Claire Khaw any basic contact details such as an email, telephone number, address, office or staff you would expect from te promoter of a "legal system" that she expects major Western democracies to adopt! There is just Claire Khaw and the group of internet misfits she interacts with. And she uses a free, online meme generator for her "with secular characteristics" national flags she seems to delusionally think some of the major countries of the world have adopted. After 15 years promoting this nonsense and hyperbole that is secular koranism. Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Not a scrap of evidential provenance for secular koranism can be found anywhere.
  11. In the USA the Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. It has not been.

    Authority to Amend the U.S. Constitution
    a. Article V of the United States Constitution outlines basic procedures for constitutional amendment.
    b. Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.
    c. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).
    d. Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).

The chances, therefore, of secular koranism being adopted by the UK and USA are so slim as to be totally and irrevocably impossible, so the question HAS to be asked as to why Claire Khaw is even bothering. Especially after 15 years with any, even minute tangible success.

So, could/should secular koranism be dismissed and simply be classed as a baseless cult dreamt up by a megalomanical fantasist? I investigate that here.

See also: Disabled people against Claire Khaw

Some parting third party comments:



The big question remains. Why does she bother with all this nonsense when she evidently conflicts with herself and her own thinking on so many occasions promoting something that is so decisive, antisocial, unwarranted and unwanted?
I leave you to make up your own minds and draw your own conclusions. As a friend of mine in London said:

All Claire has done with her nonsensical secular koranism is the equivalent of taking and renaming an Enid Blyton "Famous Five" book "The Famous Six" and adding a few chapters of her own, with the sixth person being a total deviant who adds nothing to the social fabric of the original Famous Five or their surroundings, but who in actual fact just detracts from it. 

And it's fair to say the burka-clad image she uses for her YouTube nonsense says it all. 

Indeed, WTF is secular koranism really all about????


  1. Secular Koranism is a book available on Amazon where you can read all about it.


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