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To recap and summarise all about secular koranism and how truly nonsensical it all is - this will save you reading all blogs (altough I hope you do)

One does have to question the motives and thought processes of Claire Khaw. She may be clever (devious), but certinly demonstrates time and time again that she is not very bright and certainly is most definitely lacking any intelligence. Her claims about the CIA controlling the world's media, together with the other conspiracy theories/theorists she supports and defends, and the incredibly idiotic statement that "Hamas only want Jews in Israel to live under Sharia" are particularly good examples. These two alone that she will not back down from, despite being offered solid, empirical proof to the contrary, completely defy any form of belief. This is more so given Clair Khaw is a person claiming to have an honours law degree (as a barrister) from Kingston University. "Yes m'Lud. I offer no proof whatsoever, but I state categorically that my client is innocent. Therefore you must free him".

"The Law of Assumption states that if you believe already you have something, you will have it. By applying the Law of Assumption to your goals in life, you are essentially tricking your mind into believing that everything you want already belongs to you"

To paraphrase Thomas Edison - "This is something already in existence, just repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't and will never work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"

So let's review the tenets of this secular koranism nonsense, as published by Claire Khaw:


  1. You won't find her on website or any scholarly articles on "secular koranism" out there on the internet apart from the ramblings Clare Khaw has included in her divisive personal blogs. Claire Khaw has not got a website herself for her nonsensical cult (secularkoranism dot org has been purchased by a friend of mine for £23! That's almost 15 years into Claire Khaw's obsession with this "important legal system" nonsense she has concocted, yet she doesn't have a website herself!).
  2. There is a self-published book on the subject by Claire Khaw that has been absolutely slated by genuine, qualified Islamic/theological experts; however Claire Khaw immediately dismisses real experts in favour of her laughable claim as being "the most theologically knowledgable person in the West, if not the whole wide world". This she most definitively is not, for starters, having no qualification, nor, for example, knowledge of Judaism, thinking that, for example, the Quran, the prophet Mohammad and Hamas are all "Zionists". Such an insult to Jews and Muslims alik!
  3. Secular koranism has not been registered for discussion with the Office of the Lady Chief Justice's in UK
  4. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the Office of the Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice in the UK
  5. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the UK Parliament
  6. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the House of Lords
  7. Secular koranism  has not been registered for discussion with the Ministry of Justice
  8. Secular koranism  is not a registered CIC (Community Interest Company)
  9. Secular koranism  is not registered as a Charity
  10. Secular koranism  is not registered as a Partnership or Limited Company
  11. Neither has Claire Khaw any basic contact details such as an email, telephone number, address, office or staff you would expect from a "legal system" that she expects major Western democracies to adopt! There is just Claire Khaw and the group of internet misfits she interacts with. And she uses a free, online meme generator for her "with secular characteristics" national flags she seems to delusionally think some of the major countries of the world have adopted. After 15 years promoting this nonsense and hyperbole that is secular koranism. Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Not a scrap of evidential provenance for secular koranism can be found anywhere.
  12. Absolutely hilariously, Claire Khaw wants to bring the American Constitution into line with her secular koranism nonsense. You could not make this up, even if you were the greatest creative thinker in existence. The notion is just so unbelievably ridiculous and hilarious!
    In the USA the Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. It has not been.

Authority to Amend the U.S. Constitution
    a. Article V of the United States Constitution outlines basic procedures for constitutional amendment.
    b. Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.
    c. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).
    d. Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).

The chances, therefore, of secular koranism being adopted by the UK and USA are so slim as to be totally and irrevocably impossible, so the question HAS to be asked as to why Claire Khaw is even bothering. Especially after 15 years without any, even minute, tangible success, apart form some totally off-planet followers who all exhibit variuous forms of madness.

Some of the ‘wonderful’ initiatives supported (or otherwise not denounced) by secular koranism (i.e. its inventor Claire Khaw) and some of the claims by its inventor include:

  1. Claire Khaw claims to be an Agnostic; however, her consistent/persistent praise for Allah and her requirement that you follow him as your god under Sharia, seems to solidly disprove her Agnosticism
  2. She claims secular koranism is "Islam lite". Isn't Islam a religion, or have I got that wrong?
  3. She claims to be a "legally qualified moralist" yet will call out people who prove her wrong or who condemn her support for Jihad/Sharia either "suffering form senile dementia" (a very "moral" thing to do) or being "Islamophobes" - (she is virulently and insultingly anti-Christian herself, she and antisemitic and refuses to answer how being so is in any way moral)
  4. The legalisation of infanticide for disabled children between birth and puberty – the inventor of secular Koranism constantly engages with American antisemite and conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno (she acknowledged he has "meltal issues") who vehemently supports the infanticide of these disabled children and who considers them to be "a blight on society"
  5. 100 lashes for the parents of children born outside wedlock
  6. All men to have a statutory DNA test upon the birth of a child
  7. Claiming conspiracy theories as fact without providing any proof for the claims made, despite being asked numerous times
  8. Sharia Law to be enshrined in the US Constitution
  9. She is an avid misogynst, and being founded on patriarcharal principles, so is her secular koranism cult. How, as a woman, she then sees herself fit to lead her cult, is a question she refuses to answer
  10. Thinking Andrew Tate, arrested for rape and people trafficking is, like her (in her case totally self-professed) a philosopher a totally insane claim
  11. Never condemning the Iranian regime for murdering women because they refuse to wear the hijab
  12. Never condemning the Taliban in Afghanistan for preventing teenage girls attending school and gaining a second/third level education
  13. Never condemning Jihadist terrorists
  14. She will not acknowledge that the ultimate aim of Hamas is the destruction of Israel and the murder of its Jews. Like her friends Hamas, Claire Khaw is homophobic.
  15. She thinks that Allah, the Quaran and Hamas are all Zionist, plainly demonstrating a total lack of comprehension as to what Zionism and its aims are
  16. Lauding jailed antisemites and conspiracy theorists on her Facebook timeline
  17. Claiming that “Hitler just made some mistakes” rather than agreeing he was a “drug-addicted, megalomaniacal murderer”
  18. Claiming that jailed Holocaust denier David Irving is “entitled to his opinion” yet claiming as an honours degree qualified barrister (currently non-practising and not registered with the BarSoc) that “it is not illegal to be an antisemite”
  19. Constantly re-posting blogs from American antisemite and conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts
  20. Engaging with vicious antisemite Alison Chabloz, jailed for her antisemitism, while claiming, as an honours degree qualified barrister (currently non-practising and not registered with the BarSoc) that “it is not illegal to be an antisemite”
  21. Never once offering sympathy to the people of Turkey (earthquake), Morocco or Libya (flooding) or accepting the recent wr in Gaza was started by an act of pure terrorism on the part of Hamas (who she resolutely refuses to acknowledge as terrorists)
  22. Instructing people to believe in a Monotheistic God but herself claiming to be an Agnostic and secular -
  23. Thinking it is acceptable to constantly mock and belittle Christianity and call Christians idolators while immediately calling people who disagree Islamophobes
  24. Using the app of choice of terrorists and criminals, “Telegram”, claiming, as an Agnostic and secularist “Thank God for Telegram
  25. Considering it a badge of honour to have been thrown out of the British National party (BNP) for being too right-wing
  26. Acclaimed Muslim academic and intellectual Wm. Halim Breiannis says "there is a very slim knowledge and a total lack of understanding of Islam and the Koran present, adding that the inventor’s book on secular Koranism is not only badly-written, but extremely unfit for purpose"
  27. Using ancient and little-recognised terms or over-egged descriptors as precedents to make the entirely mundane appear more high status to fool people that there is actually anything of substance being written or debated, and imbuing a sense of fake academia to the subjects being discussed which are otherwise creating an air of complete deception
  28. Usurping and misappropriating something that already exists (the Qaran) and producing a cult that no one is interested in and no one wants
  29. Trying to “fake it ‘til you make it since 2009” with precious little take-up, no website (an absolute requirement in this day and age), no office, no staff or contact details
  30. Naming her blog “RadicalisedRabbi” rather than more honestly naming it “RadicalisedImam”. This is purely to avoid fall-out from Muslims and thus apportion blame on the Jews by the uneducated followers of secular Koranism who will see the image of a group of Rabbis reading from the Jewish Torah and assume the blog has been written by Jews to slander Islam
  31. Using the image of a Hijab-clad head to represent her, in this case, as both a method of anonymity and a “veiled” reference to her misogyny
  32. Saying that the “world media is owned by the CIA”, that “America is a global empire” and very delusionally, “the Guardian Newspaper needs permission to publish an interview with her” (they won’t touch her to deny her the oxygen of publicity for her dangerous, antisocial drivel) are all patently pure conspiracy theory and fiction, as she has not provided one shred of proof/evidence, despite being repeatedly asked
  33. She is insistent that she wants countries to adopt her secular Koranism as their “Legal system” yet she won’t try the more logical step of having an Islamic country adopt it. Why a Christian country rather than a Muslim country should adopt it remains a persistent and unsolvable mystery
  34. Irrespective of the time of day or night, if one logs onto Facebook and posts a reply to one of her posts, as a constant Facebook stalker, she responds immediately. Up to 70% of her own replies to comments on her posts (across a random sample examined) are responded to with an evasive/repeated question, rather than an answer addressing the respondent's original reply to her post
  35. Secular koranism is such a “major force” that the self-published book written on secular koranism some 13 years after its invention by the inventor, was panned by experts for both it's false content and poor writing

After all the above, although quite an inprerssive list claiming secular Koranism is a “new legal and moral system” for the world, despite the obvious lack of morals demonstrated, is deplorably shameful and a willing act of dystopian deception.


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