Claire Khaw keeps posting these utterly ridiculous and quite pathetic images all over her various timelines. You name a country, and she has a "secular koranism with xxxxx characteristics" flag for it. Deluded and megalomaniacal. And all very narcissistic.
This is very much like Hitler and Himmler as they goose stepped during WW2 in their drug-addled and similar megalomaniacal stupour all over Europe using every conspiracy theory under the sun to give credence to their Aryan rubbish, stifle opposition, murder people and exterminate the Jewish population of Europe.
Now, quite coincidentally, Claire Khaw was a member of the lunatic Nazi BNP (British National Party) for some time before even they thought she was too right-wing. She came up with the wheeze of thinking that parents should be allowed to postnatally euthanise their disabled children between birth and puberty because "they are a burden on society". This is something she still believes today, along with her doltish American oaf of a friend, Vincent Bruno, a dedicated antisemite and expert conspiracy theorist, himself very much with "Nazi or KKK characteristics".
I remind you. Throughout her postings, she claims she is not an antisemite, has no Nazi friends and that none of her postings are antisemitic.
Yet she is a friend of , and defends and lauds, Alison Chabloz ("it is not illegal to be an antisemite, not that I am" she says - Alison Chabloz was jailed for her antisemitism), David Irving ("it is not illegal to be an antisemite, not that I am" and she claims "David Irving is entitled to his 'opinion" - David Irving was jailed for his antisemitism and Holocaust denial, she is a flag waver for Hamas who she vehemently denies call for the destruction of Israel and the murder of all its Jews, she reposts all manner of conspiracy theory by antisemite Paul Craig Roberts, and she is as near as makes no difference to being a distant lover of raging antisemite and conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, whom we have already soiled your screen by mentioning on several occasions.
But no, she is not an antisemite and does not post anything antisemitic. No, not much. Here, we have an economy of truth on a nuclear scale, all proven by her own postings.
She is either a systematic fantasist and liar or just forgets what she posts. I am claiming the above in the context of not only has she never condemned any of the above, but she continually engages with them and reposts material from them. If you claim to be a "legally qualified moralist", the first thing you would do is condemn them, not continually engage with them and repost their fantasies.
So this may in fact be a better and more honest universal flag for her infantile misadventure.
Working, in honesty, on the basis of a "leopard doesn't change its spots", I believe from her posts and timelines that she may still be a Nazi sympathiser. She has had ample opportunities to condemn Hitler, the Nazis and the likes of David Irving, but not a bad word from her towards any of them in the past year plus. Apart from stating that "Hitler may have made some mistakes", "David Irving is entitled to his opinion" and neither he nor the Derbyshire antisemite Alison Chabloz should have been jailed.
If you examine the period of Nazi Germany when Himmler and Hitler were trying their damnest to prove that their fake Aryan race had ancient connotations to the non-existent kingdom of Atlantis, busily finding Tibetan shamans to exploit and trying to find the Holy Grail (giving rise to the parody of SturmbannfĂĽhrer Arnold Ernst Toht
In the Indiana Jones film during the Nazis effort to locate the Ark of the
Covenant), there are startling similarities to Clair Khaw's justification for her nonsensical secular koranism to be a legal system and a new world order. It is all so pathetically preposterous and does nothing but make her appear to be a total crank who has lost all sense of proportion though her delusions of adequacy.
If you research though all the madness in the methods of the Nazis leading up to the war to justify their existence, it mirrors the modus operandi of Claire Khaw trying to justify her own secular koranism as a "legal system" for "new world order".
The Nazis scientists were also charged by Himmler to use literary, mythological or religious concepts, many not only unproven, but unprovable, as their evidence, which it was not, to make something they wished for to appear true. From examining the posts Claire Khaw makes, especially to her Radicalised Rabbi Blog, that by using ancient and little-used academic terminology, very often outside the grasp of the populace at large, she imbues a sense of genuineness, obscuring the actual fact that what she is stating is totally meaningless. Is it coincidence that she was (maybe still is) involved with neo-Nazis and that the Nazis during WW2 had the same intention in order to fool their own populace and thus justify their genocide?
Is this really how a claimed "legal system" should be established? Based on nothing tangible? Simply misappropriate the Quran, add on a few ridiculous rules, claim it is secular and your own? This is megalomaniacal delusion at its worst, with no place in modern, civilised society.
This just seems to be too much of a coincidence, given her past Nazi connections. She is constantly tying to find the most facile of reasons to legitimise her secular koranism fantasy and take over the world.
And given that she relies heavily on conspiracy theories herself, never proves her claims and takes other peoples' conspiracy theories (strange that an honours-degree barrister would not to want to prove patently obvious outlandish and fictional facts for herself) to support her, one could therefore suggest she invented her secular koranism based on the teachings of one of her declared favourite books, Mein Kampf. Remember, she is NOT an antisemite or Nazi, has no antisemitic friends and never posts anything antisemitic - or so she says so regularly.
Should Mein Kampf be a favourite book of a supposedly sentient non-antisemite? And she titles one of her blogs the "Voice of Reason". Anyone with a "voice of reason" would not embarrass themselves by saying Mein Kampf (the idiots' guide to Jewhate) is "reasonable" enough to be their favourite book!
As I said, leopards do not change their spots. This is not libel or defamation; it is evidence based on her own postings and repostings and the type of people she engages with.
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