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You can fool some of the people some of the time


Some people have claimed that Claire Khaw is as mad as a box of frogs. Outwardly, perhaps that might seem a little unfair, but when you read her timeline on social media and witness for yourself how she so often blatantly contradicts herself as she does throughout her quite divisive, extremely racist and distinctly unpalatable blogs, you have to pause with that thought. 

Well, it appears Clare Khaw can't fool fact checkers as to how puerile and nonsensical her secular koranism is, and that it's just the cult 'brainchild" (minus the brain bit) of a very disturbed, dystopian person.

This, together with the lunatics she supports and praises, the twice-arrested misogynist Andrew Tate, jailed antisemitic Holocaust denier David Irving and hardcore antisemites Alison Chabloz [also jailed for antisemitism], and conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, it is not hard to agree. Add to this that Claire Khaw [supposedly with a masters law degree], claims "you can't be jailed for being an antisemite" and that "fundamentalists are principled people" and then in the next breath declared that "Terrorists are known for murdering people". Really?

She was thrown out of the neo-Nazi BNP in 2010 for being even too right-wing even for them by suggesting (and insulting Lord Cameron and his late disabled son in the process) disabled children should be able to be “disposed of”. She returned to that theme in 2023 by re-posting a despicable dirge on Facebook from her brainwashed acolyte, the vociferous American multi-phobic Vincent Bruno who declared he was “fed up with disabled children and parents should have the right to euthanise them before puberty unless they wanted them (the disabled) to become a burden on families and society”.

I didn’t write it myself” claims Claire Khaw. Maybe not Claire, but it was you who re-posted it from someone else’s timeline! It didn’t get onto your timeline by accident! So it would seem that after 13 years, Claire Khaw ostensibly harbours the same offensive thoughts about disabled children.

I spoke with a highly-qualified psychologist in human behaviour a few days prior to writing this. She doesn’t “do” social media herself, but observes from afar. She was absolutely horrified by the postings from Claire Khaw when taking into account her “secular koranism” nonsense is a supposed “legal system”. Straight out of Mein Kampf or the Hamas Charter more like. Even the name “secular koranism”, with her “rules” demonstrating most of the acknowledged traits of a cult, is a contradiction in terms. She claims she does not proselytise for Islam, yet in another breath claims her secular koranism is in effect “Islam light”.

Perhaps we are all wrong, and as a supposed Agnostic (ironically, she merrily claims all Atheists have mental problems! Her mirror must be broken.) she perhaps doesn't know the meaning of the word "secular", she doesn't know that the Koran is a religious bible and she doesn't know that Islam is a religion.

People like to hear a story. My acquaintance thinks it is fascinating trying to understand why people like Claire Khaw lie the way they do. Pathological liars, of which Claire Khaw could said to be one, are people who have lost touch with reality and have immersed themselves in a story that only they really believe.

Secular koranism is one such story. The lie has become Claire Khaw’s reality. It’s about creating a life she mustn’t have had as a child, being cared for, being loved, being admired. She is creating an image and becoming a person that she wouldn’t otherwise be able to be. Why she has chosen the dystopian and reviled Iranian brand of Sharia is anyone's guess. Well she does list Hitler's Mein Kampf as one of her favourite books.

This secular koranism nonsense of hers simply boosts her ego (she is never wrong, even when conclusively proven 100% wrong); it boosts her internal need to be loved and accepted and this all further perpetuates the lies. Yes, there may be a very minute element of truth in the stories she creates. In Claire Khaw’s case, as a former neo-Nazi, using as he does her radicalised rabbi blog with its image of Jewish scholars around the Torah [Jewish Bible] study table, she forever claims she is not an antisemite and repeatedly asks who of her friends are antisemitic – her one regular friend, Vincent Bruno, who she admits has mental problems (and it shows) is not only a deep antisemite, but a vociferous conspiracy theorist with it.

It becomes very difficult for people like Claire Khaw to differentiate between truth and fantasy. And if there is an audience that is accepting and believing this nonsense, then off we go down the rabbit hole. Claire Khaw does similar with American antisemitic conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts, re-posting his puerile nonsense almost daily. She simply fails to recognise, despite being constantly reminded, that re-posting his rubbish offers her credibility (currently at below zero as it is) no uplift at all. 

It's all connected with her plaintively obvious cognitive dissonance when she is proven wrong (the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs) when she has to start calling people Islamophobes (which they invariably are not) and accusing people she has absolutely no personal knowledge of as suffering senile dementia, which demonstrates how truly evil she is. There is plainly something in the back of her very confused mind telling her she is wrong, but she hasn't the honesty, integrity or morality to admit it.

It’s all very reminiscent of a tumbleweed rolling through the Nevada desert getting bigger and bigger and picking up more detritus as it rolls along, as her lies and fakery take on a life of their own, with Claire Khaw as its catalyst.

Clair Khaw claims a host of abilities, some in the medical and welfare arena, for which she has zero qualification or training, which is without doubt highly dangerous and that should not be allowed on a public platform. She has talked herself into these abilities, and the repercussions are nothing but a huge risk for those she claims to help. She is the equivalent of a Somalian female genital mutilator who claims to also be a brain surgeon. Her grandiose and delusional claims include:

That she is "a legally-qualified moralist" (an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority and she certainly has no morals)

a psychologist (no qualifications)

a social and political scientist (no qualifications)

a philosopher (no qualifications)

a political campaigner (just several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP)

a mental-help therapist (very alarmingly, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other description)

and, as of April 2024, she started offering marriageability classes (again no qualifications)

all on top of being, as she claims, "the most theologically knowledgeable person (she claims she is an agnostic, and again, has no theological training or qualifications) in the West if not the whole wide world", asking on 4th November 2023 if "Anyone can think of a more knowledgeable theologian than she?"
Well yes,
Claire, actually we all can;
the Pope
the Archbishop of Canterbury
the Chief Rabbi
Khateeb Hafiz Mueen ud Din Akhtar and Qari Hafiz Javed Akhtar, the leaders of the Manchester Central Mosque, for starters!
My neighbour's cat

And the highly acclaimed
and respected American Islamic scholar, Wm. Halim Breiannis, whom she asked for a review of both her secular koranism and the infantile book she wrote on the subject. He trashed both in a very detailed and well-researched pair of lengthy white papers (copies available, please ask in the comments section) for being less than useful and completely unsustainable and “demonstrating a total lack of knowledge of Islam and the Koran.” Did she pay attention? No.

And as mentioned, on 19th April 2024, Claire added that "Most people are too foolish to recognise my wisdom". (That “wisdom” extends to claiming the children of single parents are responsible for knife crime, the world’s media are controlled by the CIA, Hamas simply want Israelis to live peacefully under Sharia [the latter which can be dis-proven immediately by referring to the Hamas Charter itself] and that governments should allow the parents of disabled children to euthanise them if they want before they enter puberty).

And lo and behold, on 5th May 2024, yet another string was added to weigh down the bow Claire owns that is constructed from flimsy recycled toilet paper - “It seems I no longer have friends on Facebook, I have followers. I have also been “upgraded” to “digital creator” (you have to ask Facebook in order to be designated as a ‘digital creator’; you are not "upgraded by Facebook" unless you do request to be).

For someone with no end to her talent, it seems very much that there's no talent at her end! This is a woman who thinks there is “no higher informational authority than Wikipedia”, despite Wikipedia warning people that “the open edit nature of the platform and its contents means that it cannot be relied upon as always being factually correct”.

AND HOT OFF FACEBOOK on 10th June 2024, this ridiculous claim, which like all her others, will go unproven.

(name purposefully obfuscated by me)

The one qualification she has claimed for a number of years now is that of an honour’s barrister degree, although, as already mentioned, she is not registered with either the Law Society or the Bar Association. That she carries on the way she does simply brings the law into disrepute, and I am not too sure either the Bar Association, or Kingston University where she claims to have obtained her law degree, would be entirely at ease if they studied her dysfunctional social media timeline and rancid blogs. Yes, this is the same woman who thinks there is no higher authority than the openly editable (by anyone) Wikipedia.

Her mental fixation on, and obsession with, idolatry, plus calling out anyone who disagrees with her either Islamophobic or suffering from dementia, proves how mentally unstable Claire Khaw is. Further poof of this is a vitriolic Christophobe, antisemite and conspiracy theorist, as proven via her Facebook timeline posts/re-posts and her swathe of incredibly dystopian and Sharia/Jihadist-supporting blogs and that she wants Islam to dominate the civilised world. Not once in her incredibly antisocial and anti-democracy output of utter verbiage (it is well for those who can connive to have DWP subsidise their 24/7 addiction to Facebook and the internet rather than working for a living!) does she recognise or apologise for Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.

There is a parallel scenario with an Australian woman called Belle Gibson, labelled “Instagram’s biggest con artist”. In 2009, Gibson claimed she had three heart operations, suffered two cardiac arrests, died twice on the operating table, had a stroke and was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. She also claimed to have “brain cancer” in her brain, blood, spleen, uterus and liver. She finally claimed she had just four months to live as a result of her “terminal cancer.

However, she then announced she had beaten it all though following a healthy diet. That spawned her cookbook, published by Lantern Books (Penguin) in 2013 (who were later fined $30,000 for not fact checking the content of her book), four years into her “terminal cancer” and she also had an app endorsed by Apple for their iPhone).

Following police and Sheriff's Office raids on her home chasing the $410,000 fine she received but didn’t pay, she appears to have now adopted the 'Oromo' ethnic group in Melbourne, even taking to wearing a headscarf and naming herself 'Sabontu'.

The parallels with con-woman Belle Gibson are extremely disturbing. Claire Khaw never checks her facts or offers proof for her outlandish claims or conspiracy theories either! (Rather than provide authoritative proof herself, she expects readers of her nonsense to fact check when she makes some outlandish claim).

Roll on “secular koranism” after 15 years of no one, bar the 100% gullible, taking any notice. What is most worrying is that this honours-degree qualified barrister, Claire Khaw, seems to be not only completely incapable of demarcating between fact and fiction, but she generates fiction at an alarming rate, obfuscating it by using archaic and little-known terminology to imbue an air of completely fake academia. 

She posted this unbelievable, dangerous, antisocial, unbelievably deluded, violent Taliban/ISIS-style clap-trap on Facebook on 8th June 2024, proving she definitely has very deep mental issues of a very violent and anti-democratic nature:

"Great Khavian Age of secular koranism"??? (secular koranism has been proven as nothing but a cult misappropriated from Islam -
"Democracy must shut up and die"??? And she is claiming her secular bilge is for everyone. Yes, Heil Khaw! 

She is a raving lunatic. Nothing more, nothing less. All from someone who, despite all the wonderful self-agrandissement above, is on benefits and doesn't actually work for a living and thus contribute her fair share to society. Yet she wants the world to adopt her dystopian nonsense! No wonder she's such a fan of the multimillionaire Hamas terrorists. They don't work or contribute to their own economy either.

Claire Khaw has been bleating on for years like a demented sheep that "Christianity is kaput", that "Christianity needs scrapping and replacing" and worse of all, that "Christianity is sh*t and its idolators (she is absolutely mentally obsessed with idolatory) worship a dead Jew on a stick." (Yet hpocritically, anyone who even looks sideways at her Sharia is classed as an Islamophobe!). 

Why she chooses to live here (apart from receiving her DWP unemployment benefits while selling her crappy book on Amazon and claiming she has a "secular koranism office") in Christian England, and not move to one of her backward Sharia-dominated countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan,Yemen or Iran, is anyone's guess.

And when asked if Christianity is so kaput, why, for the past 30 years, has Islam the majority hold on worldwide terrorism? 

She refuses to acknowledge this, despite the death calls on "infidels" by Islamic Jihadists. She cannot explain why her allegedly "non kaput" Islamists - and not the "kaput!" Christians, murder athletes at the Olympics, fly planes into New York skyscrapers, set off bombs on the London Underground and on London buses, blow themselves up in Manchester arenas, go on murderous rampages at music fesitvals and on a kibbutz, blow themselves up in restaurants, all while shouting "Allahu Akbar". And neither will she acknowledge that the majority of proscribed groups on the Government red warning list (see here) are nearly all without exception Islamic. Or that the terrorist groups Islamic Jihad, Taliban, Boko Haram, Isis, Hamas and Hezbollah (there are tens and tens more) are all Muslim! And that all these terrorist groups and all the inter-Muslim fighting is purely a result of the skewered and voilent interpetration of her Koran nbys Muslims. The book she claims forms the basis for her dystopian "secular legal system" nonsense.

The Old and New Testaments are certainaly not any way as voilent as the Koran, or interpreted as violently by Christian groups as the Koran is by Muslim factions!

It is now time that if she cannot check herself into a suitable clinic for treatment, she must be statutorily made to do so before a fatality occurs as a result of her thoughtless nonsense – something, if push comes to shove, she will use her Iranian Sharia blame-culture while braying “Islamophobia” to cowardly and dishonestly explain it all away as not being her fault.

Claire Khaw has been pedaling this spectacularly infantile secular garbage for 15 years now, all to no avail. There is either a highly suspect underlying ulterior motive at play, or she is otherwise very dim. Even the Vegan Society has the common sense to know that the Natural Craft Butchers' Association cannot place an advertisment in their publication.

Claire Khaw is a danger to society, and a social media cure for which there is no known disease. 

NOTE: All of the claims herein regarding Claire Khaw have proof offered throughout this series of blogs They have all been written by Claire Khaw herself, so are zero defamatory in nature. If any clarification is needed, please leave a comment. Not sure when I might get back to you but I will.


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