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She's at it again - demonstrating her morality!

Well, Claire Khaw raises the bar to demonstrate there are remnants of her Neo-Nazi past still imbued in her antisocial and often thoroughly repulsive output.

STOP PRESS - on 13th June '24 she made these highly antisemitic and ignorant, inflammatory conspiratorial claims, proving her mental instability and total lack of knowledge of either Judaism or Christianity - she is both an Antisemite and Christophobe:

On 28th April '24, among the miscellaneous and continual daily crap she re-posts from others was this:

I replied to her and one of her sheep, simply pointing out a 100% fact:

To which Claire Khaw (remember, her nonsensical secular koranism rubbish is claimed as a "legal system" (just an obfuscation to proselytise for the thoroughly nasty Iranian Sharia that not even sentient Muslim folk want) she wants Western Civilisation to adopt) replied, as she always does when you either disagree with her or point out simple, acknowledged historical facts (or ask her to prove some of her claims, which she has never done once in almost two years):


She also claims she has "great morality".

How many people of moral standing who know nothing about you do you know accuse you, for the umpteenth time, of having dementia? What does this prove? Yes, that Claire Khaw is still a nasty, repulsive Neo-Nazi and that the 15 years she has wasted on her "legal system" is nothing but an insult to the intelligence. 

Here's further proof via one of her re-posts that she left languishing on her timeline for months. Remember, she came to blows with the Neo-Nazi BNP (she was a member) over similar sentiments concerning Lord Cameron's disabled child (now, sadly deceased from his disability) some 14 years ago. And she expects people to believe her sharia-orientated secular koranism is in anyway a legal system? Straight out of one of her claimed favourite books, Mein Kampf, more like:

Oh, and unlike Claire Khaw when asked, I can provide proof (she hates that word with a vengeance and never proves any of her outlandish and often conspiracy theory claims) of her books of choice:

Again, unlike Claire Khaw (who never acknowledges stuff she pinches from others or adds a reason for her re-posting the garbage she does), I offer a hat tip to Private Eye for the inspiration to produce these two satirical memes that sum up secular koranism.


I would remind everyone of this classic statement from Claire Khaw:

I'm not too sure what "wisdom" it is to keep pushing fantasy-land fakery (secular koranism) for some 15 years now,  pretending it is in any way a legal system, while claiming to be an agnostic who otherwise continually proselytes for Sharia and the support of jihadism. At the same time, there are ridiculously high levels of Christophobia, antisemitism and misogyny present throughout everything posted by Claire Khaw, three traits any "legal system" should most definitely not exhibit in a civilised country.

More so that it includes the pushing of all sorts of nonsense using outdated words and terminology intended to imbue an aura of faux academia and knowledge that the average Facebook member does not understand, thus resulting in engagement levels with Claire Khaw and her secular koranism that are, at best, not even negligible.

Claire Khaw's totalitarian view of criticism of Islam (like in Pakistan, where being murdered for criticising or trying to leave Islam is the dystopian norm) conclusively proves that she is neither an agnostic nor is her secular koranism garbage in any way a "legal system". Her goal is for the more barbaric Muslims to be able to force their antidemocratic standards of Islam on their non-Muslim host country (she has never once condemned Islamist terrorism). They do this rather than integrating and accepting the existing laws and behaviours of the country that has accepted and welcomed them as immigrants. And this is 100% encouraged and supported by their cheerleader Claire Khaw through her manic public utterances in support of Sharia.
The very simple solution is that if she doesn't like the way we democratically run things, then she should leave. Go back home to Malaysia. One less DWP mouth to feed (Yup, she has never denied she is on  benefits and NOT working while she spends 24/7 stalking Facebook or on the internet dreaming up new dystopian ideas she has plagiarised to ruin the society that has taken her in and that currently subsidises her unwillingness to work for a living).

These antisocial and dictatorial outpourings of Claire Khaw are not wanted by anyone of sound mind and democratic and moral social leaning.


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