Having followed Claire Khaw and her ridiculous cult, the rubbish she reposts, in particular, statements that are 100% incorrect or just conspiracy theories, lies, fakery, the lunatics, misfit and jihadist-adoring nutters who laud her, the only conclusion that can be drawn is "The world needs secular koranism like a great white shark needs a bicycle."
For starters: Hot off Facebook on 19th April 24
No Claire Knaw, it is called called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) - you believe that there are special reasons that make you better than others. Only you do. Absolutey no one else agrees with you. Anyone seeing the total lack of engagement with your Facebook posts would agree. "Wise" is one word that could NEVER be used to describe you I'm afraid, as readers will find out should they choose to read further.
A small allegory to continue with:
Susan and Tony Alamo were featured on BBC4 recently with their Christian Foundation, or "Ministry of Evil", as it has been referred to, in the USA. In typical fashion, a cult with the overall aim of making money through the subjugation of its members. (Claire Khaw has not hit on the money making aspect yet.)
This Ministry of Evil shares some similarly frightening characteristics to that of secular koranism.
- Tony Alamo is an avowed misogynist.
- Susan Alamo spouts total crap and is completely unqualified for any of the "things" she claims or does, and she has also been proven to be serial liar and fantasist.
- She has brainwashed her followers into thinking only she is right.
- The American authorities have labelled it a "vicious cult".
- She identically dislikes the Hollywood Police in the same way Claire Khaw hates the media.
- People simply aren't up to her standards (according to Alamo) so she subjugates and insults them.
- She believes only in herself, everyone else is always wrong.
- She never actually proves a single thing she claims.
- She constantly trots out outlandish stories and fakery to reinforce how wonderful she is.
So is secular koranism just a cult? As they used to say in school, "compare and contrast", then be afraid. Be very afraid. - https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/12/are-we-perhaps-looking-at-cult-in.html Here she is making an admission.
Claire Khaw is like a stuck music track when it comes to a description of her ridiculous secular koranism. She hilariously claims it is a "legal system". Here is a selection of her own posts to enable you to consider if it is indeed a "legal system", and one, like Claire, she ridiculously wants the democratic West to adopt and embrace. She wants the UK to be like Iran and travel back to the 1600s.
She should move to Iran.
So let's have a bit of background first, all taken from her own self-eulogising description of her capabilities (therefore, not commentary, so do keep this paragraph below in mind at all times). It is a summary of Claire Khaw's delusional and extremely doubtful, if not, non-existent professional capabilities. These are the most dangerous types, that is, when you think yourself into being able to do something you not only can't, but that you are are not in any way remotely qualified to do. At least Frank Abagnale Jr studied real, qualified books quite hard for some of his cons. Here is the list. Be warned. It is frightening.
Claire Khaw claims she is "a
legally-qualified moralist (an honours degree no less - however, she
is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors
Regulation Authority), a
psychologist (no qualifications), a social and political scientist (no qualifications), a philosopher (no qualifications), a
political campaigner (several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP),
a mental-help therapist (dangerously, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other description), and now, as of April 2024, offering marriageability classes (again no qualifications), all on top of being, as she claims, "the most theologically
knowledgable person (she claims she is an agnostic, and again, has no theological training or qualifications) in the West if not the whole wide world". And on 19th April 2024, Claire Khas added that "Most people are too foolosh to recognise my wisdom".
Presumably she means Norman Wisdom (with apologies to the incredibly talented late Norman Wisdom)
Yes, in 2020, Europe was 76% Christian (Europe population 746.4 million, making over 567 Christians). Christianity is the most adhered-to religion in Canada, with 19,373,330 Canadians, or 53.3%, identifying themselves as of the 2021 census. Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United State, with figures in 2021 suggesting that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian); Christianity is diluted mainly by increasing atheism and the influx of Muslim immigrants since 1900 who plainly couldn't stand living any longer in their lands of origin. Yes, she certainly is "The most theologically
knowledgable person (in the West if not the whole wide world". Yet she produces no facts to back-up her claim. It took me just 3 minutes to find an authoritative government website to pull the above figures from.
Does anyone know, therefore, what utter tripe she might be filling the heads of the vulnerable with? That's how the evil jihadists work to brainwash their homicide bombers into thinking self-immolating among a crowd of innocent bystanders will give them martyrdom and provide 72 virgins. As if any virgin of sound body and mind would wish to be entertained by a pathetic sheep of a murderer.
Given the above, that fact that she over-describes her meagre abilities by an incalculable factor (and as someone who only uses Wikipedia as a source, she must also have been a pretty crappy barrister - no wonder she never practiced - although I am beginning to take it with a pinch of salt that she is in anyway legally-qualified), has been caught out lying and contradicting herself on so many occasions, she never admits she is wrong, never apologises, and never retracts her lies and fakery. This post she made on Facebook is interesting:
And she reposts output, up to several times a day, from the idiotically-grinning antisemitic conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts. His modus operandus is very similar to Claire Khaw's. https://www.cato.org/blog/paul-craig-roberts-misses-mark, that is, he totally ignores acknowledged facts in favour of what only he believes. He is also stark raving mad. But Claire Khaw laps up the nonsense from him.
Claire Khaw legally qualified?
Secular koranism a legal-system?
When Claire Khaw believes the nonsense and lies from the likes of this Craig Roberts, you possibly don't need to read any further! Like any Ham-ass, all he can use is "genocide", "ethnic cleansing", "Iran not evil". Lift up the pony tail of any horse, and there you'll find Craig Roberts being excreted.
I wonder, then, taking into account she has zero qualifications in the psychology profession, does the British Psychological Society know of her quackery, as here below:
And she also carries out this unqualified quackery over the Internet from thousands of miles away for her brainwashed, fellow conspiracy-theory-loving acolyte, the rancid antisemitic conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno.
So she's an agnostic. Really? Hmmmm!
I'm not too sure I know any agnostics who would say the above. More proof of her agnosticism (not):
And hot off Facebook on 14th April 2024, joining Allah and Hamas, who she has already cluelessly declared as "conditional Zionists". Plainly, she has less than zero understanding of the concept and origins of Zionism:
No he bloody well wasn't Claire Khaw. Check your history books on the origins of Zionism! Allah was a serial husband (the relative 'scriptures' can't seem to make up their mid whether it was 10 or 11 wives - and Claire Khaw lectures on marriageability? You just couldn't make it up!) who took a child bride.
And this bilge from her idiotic antisemitic friend in America. Promoting this conspiracy theory nonsense just proves what a "legal system" her secular koranism must be. (By the way, Hidutva is Hindu Nationalism, absolutely nothing to do with Zionism and Jews having a state to cal their own - Claire Khaw, the self-declared "greatest theologian in the West if not in the whole world". Pass the sick-bag, Alice.).
And Hmmmm! again. When you take into account that Telegram is the medium of choice for drug-pushers, scammers, terrorists, misogynists, rapists, groomers, undesirables etc, the one thing in common being that all have something to hide.
So much for secular koranism being a "legal system" and Claire Khaw being an agnostic if she has to use Telegram and needs the support of God. Unless she's referring to little crooked Mo on his little crooked flying horse. I can say that, because of the way she insults Jesus Christ and Christianity all the time. Can't have one rule for the prosecution and one for the defence now, can we, Claire Khaw "the legal expert"?
For starters, here are some of the antisocial and antidemocratic claims Claire Khaw makes of her secular koranism and what she wants it to do. Apologies if there are some repeats, but I do this just in case you may not have read any of my other blogs on the unbelievable secular koranism clap-trap being excreted by Claire Khaw. Let's commence with three pieces of utter crap. #3 takes us back 15 years to Claire Khaw's time as a committed (and indeed, should she have been committed? Oh yes!) BNP Nazi.
All she goes on about is Islamophobia, something her rantings and raving are certainly helping to encourage.
And here's a total charade, proving if nothing else that Claire Khaw is sectionable. She actually wrote this on a public platform (remember all the claims she makes about her expertise in everything?). Yes, not only does the Geneva Convention come from the Koran, but it's only Islamophobes who do not know this.
If this is not the crowning glory of someone who is not only a conspiracy theorist and fake news spreader it is that of a total loon. Yes, read the last sentence below, underlined in red, three or four times. You could not make it up. But Claire Khaw can, and does. Regularly.
So we need to take this post with a pinch of salt. But, prove her wrong (which is so easy to do) and thus disagree with Claire Khaw's fakery, and according to her, you are suffering from senile dementia. Even though you have proof of her fakery, she hasn't and never provides proof of her own claims. 1984 anyone?
And she's a barrister?
And two hours later, she responded with this ridiculous reply to explain her nonsensical and 100% false statement "The Geneva Convention comes from the Koran":
I don't think it is unfair, after that incredibly ridiculous response, to question her sanity. She does appear to be away with the fairies; or perhaps she thinks that everyone else is stupid - as I mentioned, the true sign of a cult leader.
Could you imagine the UK government adopting the vile, Sharia bilge that is her invented secular koranism nonsense.
So the big question. Is Claire Khaw in any way qualified to introduce a
legal system when she makes up such utter bilge as the Geneva Convention comes from the Koran! Would YOU trust her
legal system?
Mind you, she does at least admit, on one of the very, very few occasions that she is honest, that she is "dumb". And she also forgets the somewhat parallel paths that agnostics (she claims to be one) and atheists tread! This is called, technically, "making a fool of herself".
Here she is trying to rid the UK of Christianity, and as a claimed agnostic, replace it with Islam, something no normal agnostic would even think about, let alone commit to the public domain.
Yes, agnostic, and she continually claims she is NOT proselytising for Islam:
More total nonsense:
Meanwhile, Hamas leaders have stated this on many occasions. I can't find a reference to "Jews living in Israel (or anywhere) under Hamas sharia". Maybe you can. And a quick read of the Hamas Charter (https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words) proves that Claire Khaw is talking though her backside. And she notes one of her favourite books is Mein Kampf. So she's not an antisemite? 😆 Legally qualified? 😆 Secular koranism a legal system?😆
And this utter insulting Christophobic nonsense:
So you can guess where Chsistianity would lie in her general scheme of things! Yet she calls you out as an Islamophobe or suffering from senile dementia when you bring up the religious orientation of those who perpetuated 9/11, 7/7, Manchester Arena, 7th October Israel attack and the religion of the Taliban, Hamas, Boko Haram, Hezbollah and most of the other groups on this list of proscribed terrorists - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proscribed-terror-groups-or-organisations--2/proscribed-terrorist-groups-or-organisations-accessible-version - not many Christian groups on it at all, with surprise surprise, all nearly without exception Muslim. Claire Khaw, of course, with her Islamic blame culture to hand, would be able to find a reason for thisone that is do far from the actual truth.
Not to mention this:
Remember this?
and this:Having done some basic research, I found this below. So her uncorroborated statement that all three countries, the USA, France and Russia, have no religion is just plain wrong. It makes her look quite an ill-informed "most theologically knowledgeable person in the West, if not the world". And a liar. And a fantasist. And certainly not fit to run a "legal system".1. The major religions practised in France include Christianity (about 50% of the overall population, with denominations including Catholicism, various branches of Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Armenian Orthodoxy), Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism among others, making it a multi-denominational (or sometimes referred to as a "multi-confessional") country.
2. Christianity. The most popular religion in the U.S. is Christianity, comprising the majority of the population (73.7% of adults in 2016), with the majority of American Christians belonging to a Protestant denomination or a Protestant offshoot (such as Mormonism or the Jehovah's Witnesses).
3. The majority of believers in Russia belong to the Orthodox Christian denomination. Russia adopted Christianity under Prince Vladimir of Kiev in 988, in a ceremony patterned on Byzantine rites. Russia's baptism laid the foundations for the rise of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, Russians now follow what religion Vlad the Internet Impaler and Invader of Ukraine tells them to. Vlad certainly won't entertain her satanic koranism for one minute. And Claire knows that she would be jailed if she went there to promote the cult.
It has also been, rather ironically, negated by her hero, the conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts, meaning at least one of them is wrong or is posting nonsense. Claire Khaw can't have it both ways!
Remember, as an agnostic, she will immediately and hypocritically call you an Islamophobe or suffering from senile dementia for any number of stupid Islamic blame-cultural reasons, rather than admit the truth or that she is wrong.
No Claire Khaw, I want Tate jailed because he is a self-confessed misogynist, a total maggot, and has been arrested for the second time on charges of rape and people-trafficing. If Tate is the type of thing you welcome into your Islam, then there is definitely no hope for your Islam.
Off she now goes on a mental rant. Remember that she has been advocating for the legalising of the euthanasia of disabled children under the age of puberty for over 15 years, and she says secular koranism is a legal system? A Hitlerean Nazi system more like - I wonder has she submitted her death camp plans into an architect yet? She had a run in with David and Samantha Cameron over Ivan Cameron,
their son, who tragically died in 2009 at age six, suffered from Ohtahara syndrome. This is a rare form
of epilepsy characterised by seizures and developmental delays which
left him severely disabled and unable to speak. This from the Guardian on 29 April 2010 ("Nick" is the professionally repulsive Nick "The Total Prick" Griffin of the BNP):
He got the idea from Claire Khaw. She then reposted this in the middle of last year, some 13 years later, and remember, a leopard doesn't change its spots:
Yet she may indeed be making a self-admission here. I have proven her wrong on so many occasions (see the Geneva Convention that came from the Koran, NOT, already mentioned earlier):
Meanwhile, her championing for Sharia (Iranian and Hamas style) and support for terrorism continues unabated (she has NEVER condemned 9/11, 7/7. the Manchester Arena, Israel 7th October as acts of terrorism), and if you claim those are not only acts of barbaric terrorism, but were carried out by Islamic/Muslim fundamentalists, she will again, like a broken record, accuse you of being either an Islamophobe or suffering from senile dementia.
She states this but will not for one moment entertain any equating of the self-exploding or terrorist bombers with Islam. Even though in all cases they just happen to shout out "Allahu Akbar" before committing their murder.
Just to finish. These are screen grabs from a white paper “Secular Koranism? - refuting the call coined by the woman, Claire Khaw”, published by, unlike Claire Khaw, a genuine, highly-qualified Muslim Academic, Wm. Halim Breiannis:
I leave you to now make up your own minds whether you agree secular koranism is by any stretch of the imagination the thoughts of an agnostic, or a viable or wanted "legal system".
Such irony! The alien virus surfaces.
There is now a survey. If you do decide to take it (totally confidential and anonymous - any of your personal details will be ignored and erased, not revealed/loaned or sold to anyone and certainly not disclosed to a third party and furthermore, not used for any marketing or contact purposes by ANYONE) please, for the sake of fair balance do base your responses on the actual screenshots you see from Claire Khaw's output reproduced here, and not from my own freely-admitted partisan commentary. The survey can be found here:
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