Let's start by having a giggle (be afriad, be very afraid!) at this Hitlerean post from 4th April 2024, remembering of course, her own cognitive dissonance. Definitely resonates with Joseph Goebbels and Josef Mengele. Producing this utter hogwash can mean she surely must have a serious mental affectation, not only from this ridiculous rant below, but from the delusionment that with less than zero training or qualification, she thinks has a given right to start examining "an entire civilisation". She herself is the root of her la-la land problem. That she has not been certified and is allowed onto a "social" platform such as Facebook says it all.
So like the Nazis before her, she makes up a problem, accuses the population of having it, finds a scapegoat (in her case her Christophobia, misogeny and defence of jihadism, and, to a lesser degree, but nevertheless still there, her antisemitism) and seek to bring in Iranian-style Sharia blame-culture (in the form of her invented secular koranism cult) to explain it all away.
Secular koranism (https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/11/to-recap-and-summarise-all-about.html) is plainly a load of unmitigated and divisive hogwash that Claire Khaw has been banging on about for the past 15 years, with negligible engagement (is there an ulterior motive?) since being thrown out of the Nazi BNP. She also believes that parents should be allowed to euthanise their disabled children up to the age of puberty, something she has repeated as recently as 2023.
Secular koranism is the closest thing I have seen to the acting out of Disney+'s "The Strain", complete with its Nazi connotations. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2654620. I wonder if this is what her recent rantings and ravings have been based on.
Just to remind you that Claire Khaw claims she is "a legally-qualified moralist (claims an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority) , a psychologist (no qualifications), a social and political scientist (no qualifications), a philosopher (no qualifications), a political campaigner (several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP), a mental-help therapist (no qualifications), and now, as of April 2024, offering marriagability classes (again no qualifications), all on top of being, as che claims,"the most theologically knowledgable person (she claims she is an agnostic, and again, has no theological training or qualifications) in the West if not the whole wide world".
So, Claire Khaw is now offering marriageability classes! A jihadist-supporting Iranian Sharia merchant offering marriagability classes! From her "office". Yet she is on DWP benefits. Do HMRC and DWP know of this "office", and has she public liability insurance? Another string to her bow of completely unqualified for, and untrained for services that she she offers.
Also announced on the 7th April '24 is this gem, possibly one of Clair Khaw's greatest feat of knowledge for months, claiming now to know how Muslims learn Islam. Absolutely hilarious:
That doesn't stop her though. Just before Christmas 2023:Free therapy? From several thousands of miles away? "Why would I object to it?", she asks. For the same reason I wouldn't allow someone with zero training/qualifications in, or experience of dentistry to work on my teeth, that's why! Yet ironically, she fails to realise she is seen here as being unintentionally rather ironic. Remember she is not in any way qualified as a therapist and can be seen from her postings to suffer quite severely from cognitative dissonance herself! And she certainly confuses herself with her own lies and conspiracy theories - regularly!
Now, if all that self-eulogising doesn't pull your alarm chain bell very loudly, then you should perhaps nip over to TikTok for your next lecture on the 'Theory of Relativity' by that famous scientist, Michael Mouse.
A brief recap of some (the list is actually otherwise quite endless) of some of her more "endearing" qualities:
- Claire Khaw claims she is an agnostic, yet rather ironically claims that atheists are mental and that secularists are dumb. So, by her own admission, she is dumb. Well done Claire Khaw, honesty at last!
- Despite claiming to be an agnostic, she constantly not only proselytises for Islam, but for the antidemocratic, antisocial, barbaric Iranian Sharia form of Islam. (see https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/10/for-someone-who-claims-to-be-agnostic.html). Yet she claims she is neither a Muslim nor is she prosetlysing for Islam. Work this one out then if you can:
And this one too:And this "hilarious" statement: - She is vehemently Christophobic and antisemitic only and calls out anyone who either contradicts her or asks her for proof, an Islamophobe (or otherwise suffering from senile dementia, just to add proof to how charming this woman is). Why, as an agnostic, she defends ONLY Islam (remember, claiming to be an agnostic, she should be disbelieving all religions equally), is a question she simply will not answer.
- She has never once called out Islamic Jihadism and terrorism, nor has she condemned the likes of ISIS, Al Queda, Boko Haram, Hamas, the murder of Hezbollah, 9/1, 7/7, 7th October 2023 in Israel or the terrorist attack in Russia on 22 March 1924. (see https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/11/if-claire-khaw-was-pop-act-after-past.html).
- She does not condemn the "religious" (as the agnostic she claims to be) police of Iran who murdered Mahsa Amini for not wearing a headbag, nor will she call out Iran's current sponsorship of global terrorism.
- She is like a stuck record bleating on about non-Muslims as "idolaters and blasphemers" despite her own Jihadists quoting the Quran (an unverifiable and scientifically unprovable religious book) at every opportunity to justify their terrorism and jihadism, something, rather strangely, other religious tend not to use their own bibles for.
- She calls out what she claims are "those who call themselves Muslims in the West" (because they don't follow her brand of Sharia) and has insulted a retired Imam, honoured by Her Majesty the Late Queen, as "an old hypocrite", because he thinks her outpourings are actually an insult to Islam and ultimately encouraging Islamophobia, which they indeed are.
- She is a conspiracy theorist and supporter of other conspiracy theorists, something that does not chime well with her peculiar and dishonest claim that her secular koranism cult (see https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/12/are-we-perhaps-looking-at-cult-in.html) is "a legal system".
- She relies almost exclusively on Wikipedia as her source, which despite being supposedly an honours legal graduate, she thinks is "verifiable" although it can be freely editable by anyone with fingers and a keyboard.
So what has been happening in the wild and wacky Narnia-style world that Claire Khaw inhabits?
Plenty, most of it divisive, unsavoury and extremely antisocial. In fact, more so than ever since Christmas 2023, reading Clair Khaw's demonic outbursts of pure hatred for the UK monarchy, British democracy and the prevailing Christian religion. One wonders why, if she hates it all so much, why she simply does not do everyone a favour and just leave the UK and return to her native Malaysia. She won't be missed . . . . . by anyone
This would at the same time relieve DWP of the alleged monthly payment they have been making for years that allows Claire Khaw to spend 24/7 stalking Facebook, writing her vehemently antisemitic blog and recording her pitiful videos with some of the absolute human dross who inhabit the lower sewer regions of the internet without the worry of having to work for a living. And she claims she is moral!
Her expertise on Freemasons and Freemasonry shows no bounds. In fact, her expertise shows simply that she knows nothing. Here she is on 3rd January 2024 eulogising on something she is plainly 100% clueless about.
She returns in her final two incredibly incoherent and rambling sentences to her obsession with idolatry and blasphemy (in her Muslim Pakistan, you can still be murdered for in any way negatively commenting against something for which there actually is no physical or scientific proof - Claire Khaw's Koran). That she declares this is the purpose of Freemasonry defies belief, and once again proves she has to be suffering from a very severe form of cognitive dissonance.
It plainly evades her bigoted little mind that Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world. She has plainly not researched anything about Freemasonry, instead resorting to what she thinks it is and should be.
You can imagine these completely illogical and concocted thoughts about Freemasonry being reflected in how she arrived at the thinking for her secular koranism cult, and that as a "legal system", it is nothing but perverted, divisive and dangerous hogwash.
And a further Christophobic (and antisemitic) reference to her obsessive-compulsive disorder regarding idolatry and blasphemy.
Her "Dead Jew on a Stick" reference towards Jesus certainly cements her secular koranism cult as potentially a very understanding, democratic and compassionate "legal system".
Of course, with the dangerously high levels of delusion she suffers from, she seems to think the West would adopt her crazy Sharia cult as "a legal system". Were she to try it on in fun-loving Malaysia, they'd just chuck her in jail and throw away the key.
She has certainly upped the ante on pushing total crap since Christmas. She posts links, at a weekly average of 10 or more each week, from the universally derided (apart from far right and far left nutters) lunatic American conspiracy theorist, Paul Craig Roberts. She just cannot seem to get it that reposting this antisemite's garbage not only throws a shadow over Khaw herself but confirms that if she believes his maniacal output of lies, fakery and divisive crap, then as a "legal system" her secular koranism is something to be assiduously avoided. And on the 28 February 2024, she asked this:
As a supposed legal graduate (LLB) of Kingston University, that she does understand the basic concept of the law in the civilised West (that she wants to destroy) is founded on fact and not on conspiracy theory (she is an adept conspiracy theorist herself) or on "Wikipedia being the highest authority". Wikipedia themselves say they should not be taken as a source of authority because of the free editing allowed by anyone on the platform. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Academic_use
This proves in a nutshell that together with exhibiting the main traits of a cult leader (see https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/12/are-we-perhaps-looking-at-cult-in.html), her "legal system" is as much a legal system as flushing the toilet.
Take this recent garbage from 01 April 2024 (this is not an April fool, this is the fool Claire Khaw). Remember, she claims to be an agnostic, which is not too far from being an atheist, and on top of that, she also claims men should have a religion. Do you know many agnostics who think people should have a religion? Or many agnostics who equate themselves with nihilists and narcissists? (Remember, Claire Khaw is, herself, a misogynist).
And unprincipled men (take her friends Andrew Tate, David Irving, Craig Roberts, Al Queda, Iranian Clerics and Hamas for starters - in my humble opinion not especially principled) are, according to her, despised by wise women. So by her own implication, seeing as she lauds all the aforementioned unprincipled men herself, she is therefore, by her own inference, not in any way wise or principled herself!
So much disingenuousness in one small posting!
On 8th January 2024 she presented us with an utterly dumbfounding meme.
For starters, the Thawb, the more traditional heat-dissipating Arab dress, is only worn in the main by the inhabitants of the 7 countries in the Arabian Peninsula, with a flow over (no pun intended) to some nearby Muslim countries on continental East Africa. So the average European will not see a Muslim dressed in a Thawb, as won't the inhabitants of America, Canada, South America, Australasia and East Asia.So using Claire Khaw's ridiculous and divisive illustration, then this must also be true. She is off her rocker.
Here she is, on 26th March, utilising a fancy word (as she does regularly) in an attempt to try and be seen as someone more academic in her Narnian reality as opposed to in our reality. And yet another Chrirtophopbic dig. She thinks it is clever and smart. In Claire Khaw's case, she is most certainly not. All negated from the word 'go' by her love and propagating of conspiracy theories and her proselytising for Iranian Sharia.
Simply more utter insulting garbage. She still does not get it that the average Facebook user is not interested in crap such as this. And it's all there in black and white when you see nil engagement by other Facebook users with this puerile rubbish of hers. As if Iranian Sharia is in any way even remotely useful to mankind! The thought process of equating Iranian Sharia with space exploration demonstrates just how absurd this woman is.
And now for some, not only unsubstantiated nonsense showing a lack of understanding as to what a "Colony" is, but another of her pleasant antisemitic digs. Reality check - stoning women to death is back in fashion under sharia in Yemen.
Remember, she has stated regularly that "she is not antisemitic" and asks "How many of my friends are anti-Semitic?" Here are some of her own outporutings that prove she is simply a liar https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/10/i-am-not-anisemitic-who-of-my-friends.html. And yet she expects us to believe her secular koranism cult is a "legal system". A legal system founded by an inveterate liar. Would you trust this cult and its barn pot inventor to govern you?
And, of course, her incredible (lack of) general knowledge is overshadowed by her (non-existent) grasp of geography.
Also, as she has stated on numerous occasions, she is not the least bit anti-Semitic and never posts anything antisemitic. Oh, and she is a compulsive liar. Yet insists her sceular koranism cult is a "legal system".
Take this statement:Again, not only suggesting the use of Wikipedia AGAIN, rather than using one of the international Holocaust centres, but she also lauds the Holocaust conspiracy theorist David Irving, jailed for "the opinions" she claims he is entitled to! And she knows so much about Jewish people (not):Her expertise on what Hamas think is good or not good for Jews, aside from being the stuff of Adolf Hitler ("Mein Kampf" is cited as one of her favourite books, along with Animal Farm - can you imagine her real idea of a "legal system"?) is pure fiction.
And of course, her Hitlerean past suggests there is still a "Jewish Question". Yes, she's not antisemitic and has never posted anything antisemitic. And Hitler was innocent too (remember, according to Claire Khaw, Vincent Bruno referred to here, and whom she talks to publicly on average of once a day, has "mental issues". They are not just mental issues, extending as they do, far beyond that! https://radicalisedimam.blogspot.com/2023/10/what-sort-of-being-is-her-buddy-boy.html).
Anyone who reads the official Hamas Charter will realise that this following statement is an insult even to garbage.More so when you see exactly what the charming party-goers from hamas think about Israel and the Jews. (And that's without mention the atrocities of 7th Octoiber 2023 which kicked off the war). There is plainly something not right in Clair Khaw's head that she has such a Hornby model train of thought.
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