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The bar is now becoming unreachable for us mere mortals

On the 19th April, Cliare Khaw added this string to her already weighty bow of self-adulation. It appears we are all "foolish":

As if to reinfoce her absolute wisdom, she happily took part in this abhorrence. And she claims her secular koranism nonsense is a "legal system". You try saying something about her koran in Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nigeria or Iran, and see how long your head remains on your neck.


For reference, here is her self-eolugy:

Claire Khaw claims she is "a legally-qualified moralist (an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority), a psychologist (no qualifications), a social and political scientist (no qualifications), a philosopher (no qualifications), a political campaigner (several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP), a mental-help therapist (very dangerously, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other description), and now, as of April 2024, offering marriageability classes (again no qualifications), all on top of being, as she claims, "the most theologically knowledgeable person (she claims she is an agnostic, and again, has no theological training or qualifications) in the West if not the whole wide world", asking on 4th November 2023 if "We can think of a more knowledgeable theologian than she?".  

We all indeed can think of a multitude of much more knowledgeable theologians than she. 

And as mentioned, on 19th April 2024, Claire added that "Most people are too foolish to recognise my wisdom".  

And lo and behold, on 5th May 2024, yet another string was added to weigh down the bow Claire owns that is constructed from recycled toilet paper - It seems I no longer have friends on Facebook, I have followers. I have also been “upgraded” to “digital creator” (you have to ask Facebook for this, you are not "upgraded by Facebook"). For someone with no talent at her end, there seems to be no end to her talent!

A prime example of Claire Khaw's wisdom is that she asked a genuine, highly-qualified Muslim Academic, Wm. Halim Breiannis, to revue her cult, which he did in a paper titled “Secular Koranism? - refuting the call coined by the woman, Claire Khaw”. He totally panned not only secular koranism, but her lack of knowledge on Islam and the Koran. Being so wise, she then, a few months later, jumped out of the pan into the fire to ask Wm. Halim Breiannis to this time review her derided book on secular koranism which he did in "A Comprehensive Book Review", once again thoroughly panning it as being just "Wooden Nickels".

Wisdom? You decide.

Then she makes the incredible claim, given the aim of Hamas in their murderous charter, that "Hamas just want Israel to live under Sharia". Meanwhile, Hamas themselves have stated that their aims, among others, over the years, to include:

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw reposts material from the universally derided American antisemitic conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts on almost a daily basis. 

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw thinks that the world's media are all owned and managed by the CIA, yet resolutely refuses to provide any proof. The UK's Guardian Newspaper in New York is located in a high-rise central at 61 Broadway, that once, many years ago, allegedly housed an office of CIA operatives (the CIA do not reveal their offices to anyone apart from their own operatives). She claims that, therefore, the CIA owns the building and the Guardian Newspaper.

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw uses only the open-edit Wikipedia platform on the very odd occasions she provides "proof" for some of the multitude of claims she makes. Wikipedia themselves warn about using their site without seeking alternative, verified proof, not because Wikipedia is in anyway a bad place, but because they acknowledge that the open edit nature of the platform means that unverified material may be second-hand or escape their veryification team.

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw has been waging war on disabled children for some 15 or more years, campaining for the voluntary euthanising of children under puberty by their parents. Having fallen foul of insulting former British Prime Minister, Lord Cameron's disabled son (who has since passed away from his disability, a rare form of epilepsy), being even too right wing a view mfor the Neo-Nazis, they slung her out of the BNP. However, last year, she happily reposted this:

Wisdom? You decide.

She reposted this conspiracy theory from an antisemite in the USA, plainly neither of them having the slightest clue about Zionism or its origins (claiming that Allah and Hamas are also Zionists).

Wisdom? Or pig-ignorant antisemitism. You decide.

You ask Claire Khaw to offer proof for an outrageous or plainly false claim she might make, but she never does. Does she ever delete the false claims she makes? No.

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw claims the Geneva Conventions come from the Koran (utterly ridiculous!). Really? Not one of the words "Islam", "Koran", Mohammad", "Allah" or "Muslim" are mentioned even once in the Geneva Conventions' 224 pages.

Wisdom? You decide.

Clair Khaw claims that twice-arrested Andrew Tate is a "political philosopher", that jailed Holocaust denier David Irving (whom she has been photographed with twice) is "entitled to his opinion (Holocaust denial), and that jailed professional antisemite Alison Chabloz should not have been jailed for her Jewhate. Claire Khaw was a volunteer and cheerleader for the Neo-Nazi British National Party, and has been photographed holding small armaments in front of a Nazi Swastika flag. She claims "You cannot be arrested for being an antisemite, not that I am".

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw claims she is an agnostic, yet not only claims that atheists (very similar in their beliefs to agnostics) are shambolic and suffer from "mental problems" (her favorite method of shying away from proving her statements), but as an agnostic, she continually proselytises for Sharia Islam.

Wisdom? You decide.

Clair Khaw claims that people who disagree with her waffle are either Islamophobes (remember, she says she is an agnostic) or, charmingly, "suffer from senile dementia" despite knowing nothing about them. If you dislike her poster boy Andrew Tate, you are an Islamophobe. Strange that anyone who dislikes the misogynist and twice-arrested alleged rapist and people trafficker should be termed an Islamophobe just for not liking him and wanting him jailed and the key throwing away.

Wisdom? You decide.

Claire Khaw uses the old Yiddish word "shiksa" (a gentile girl or woman) to describe herself. It has long fallen out of favour in the UK, only now being used sparingly in the Jewish heartlands of New York. She claims it is "to attract Jewish men". However, it is now used as a word to describe a "prostitute". Irony or what?

Wisdom? You decide.

I think it is just that we're now all "too foolish" to put up with her continual conspiracy theories and lies, as well as her rabid, hateful, antidemocratic, Christophobic, antisemitic, misogynistic, highly antisocial jihadist, sharia-orientated guff for much longer.

Wisdom? Personally, along with everyone I have shown her vile garbage to, I don't think so. But don't let me influence you. Read only her own postings reproduced here and throughout this entire blog and you decide.


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