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Showing posts from July, 2024

Comparing the inventor of secular koranism to the Horizon Post Office scandal

The inventor of the secular koranism cult, Claire Khaw, and the Fujitsu Horizon Post Office scandal have so much in common! 1. Clueless, if not immoral legal people from the Post Office saying all was all fine and dandy when it most certainly was not. Claire Khaw claims to be an honours law graduate. 2. Apportioning blame to everyone else except themselves (the trait of a cult). 3. Those postmasters who were blamed, lost their lives or were jailed, had to pay back money they did not owe, were vilified by their communities, lost their businesses, their livelihoods and their homes were all ignored despite proof being in their favour that Horizon was not fit for purpose and that the sub-postmasters were all in fact 100% innocent. It is very simple to prove Claire Khaw wrong, almost excl;usively though her own postings, yet she will NEVER admit, take responsibility or apologise she is/was wrong. 4. The Post Office made sh*t up as they want along in an attempt to obfuscate the truth about H

Malice in Wonderland

  Reading between the lies (sic) of Claire Khaw's book on her ridiculous "secular koranism" cult , it it hard to think of her as anything but unhinged. From the oxymoron of a title itself to the completely dystopian world of Sharia she acts out in its hundred pages, you can only conclude there is something disturbingly wrong going on in her mind. That she started her secular koranism cult nonsense around the time Jeremy Paxman interviewed the convicted terrorist, ISIS supporter and benefit scrounger Anjem Choudary on BBC's Newsnight in 2010, cannot be less than coincidental. This her propensity for copying and pasting the evil Sharia nonsense that she does and her infatuation with patriarchy with seemingly unwavering support for misogyny and the degradation and subjugation of women. She is plainly clueless about Islam itself, and there is no wonder that the few highly-qualified Islamic scholars who have read about her secular koranism cult thus far are extremely conc