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Showing posts from November, 2023

To recap and summarise all about secular koranism and how truly nonsensical it all is - this will save you reading all blogs (altough I hope you do)

One does have to question the motives and thought processes of Claire Khaw. She may be clever (devious) , but certinly demonstrates time and time again that she is not very bright and certainly is most definitely lacking any intelligence. Her claims about the CIA controlling the world's media , together with the other conspiracy theories/theorists she supports and defends, and the incredibly idiotic statement that "Hamas only want Jews in Israel to live under Sharia" are particularly good examples. These two alone that she will not back down from, despite being offered solid, empirical proof to the contrary, completely defy any form of belief. This is more so given Clair Khaw is a person claiming to have an honours law degree (as a barrister) from Kingston University . "Yes m'Lud. I offer no proof whatsoever, but I state categorically that my client is innocent. Therefore you must free him". " The Law of Assumption states that if you believe already...

If Claire Khaw was a pop act, after the past 15 years at it, she'd still be a no-hit wonder

If you like an hour debating with an unplugged, empty vending machine about the return of your money, then debate with Claire Khaw! You'll probably at least get somewhere! With the unplugged vending machine that is. As I said in my first blog, secular koranism is the equivalent of a social cure for which there is no disease. It is like some bright spark in a health authority saying "Hey, as we're throwing away far too many crutches, let's reintroduce polio". From “ Secular Koranism? Refuting the Novel Call Coined by the Woman, Claire Khaw ” (a detailed review paper by the Islamic academic Wm. Halim Breiannis, reviewing her appalling book that she claims is a " legal system [of happy-clappy Sharia no less] for the world " On Page 4, second paragraph, beginning line four of Wm. Halim's appraisal, and according to Claire Khaw herself: “I was born in Malaysia… …I came to England when I was 15 as a student. …I did manage to pass my Bar Exams and gra...

Claire Khaw a Nazi? That's a bit of a strong accusation isn't it?

    Well, as they used to say on TV's "Little Britain" series, "Yes, but no, but yes, but no.....", although actually, in this case, it's not just an accusation. Especially when all the signs are there for all to see. There is ample evidence that Clair Khaw was most certainly very involved with the racist BNP (British National Party). And it is very unusual for a neo-Nazi to suddenly dispense with their twisted beliefs. The same applies to both far-Right and far-Left supporters. They become so entrenched in their often deluded and dangerous beliefs that they are the only ones who believe them, and everyone else is wrong. The followers of Jeremy Corbyn in ther UK proved that. I would say that Claire Khaw is probably quite clever. Deviously so, when one reads her timeline posts on Facebook and her demented personal blogs. She demonstrates the signs of a true cult leader.  However, despite how clever she may or may not be, she undoubtedly is not at all intellig...

Secular koranism with Nazi characteristics

Claire Khaw keeps posting these utterly ridiculous and quite pathetic images all over her various timelines. You name a country, and she has a "secular koranism with xxxxx characteristics" flag for it. Deluded and megalomaniacal. And all very narcissistic.  This is very much like Hitler and Himmler as they goose stepped during WW2 in their drug-addled and similar megalomaniacal stupour all over Europe using every conspiracy theory under the sun to give credence to their Aryan rubbish, stifle opposition, murder people and exterminate the Jewish population of Europe. Now, quite coincidentally, Claire Khaw was a member of the lunatic Nazi BNP (British National Party) for some time before even they thought she was too right-wing. She came up with the wheeze of thinking that parents should be allowed to postnatally euthanise their disabled children between birth and puberty because "they are a burden on society". This is something she still believes today, along with her...

Why does Claire Khaw idolise the terrorists Hamas with her sheer fiction and yet has NEVER condemned them?

Before starting this, I remind you that Claire Khaw professes to be, " A psychologist, a legally-qualified moralist, a scientist, a philosopher and the most theologically knowledgeable person in the West if not in the whole wide world". All the evidence presented below is either from her own timeline/offensive antisemitic blog, or from freely available authoritative (unlike Claire Khaw who only uses Wikipedia) sources. It is worth noting the words  legally-qualified moralist above in the context that since the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7th October (it is now 28 Nov - 7 WEEKS since) NOT ONCE has Claire Khaw called out the atrocity, admitted that Hamas are terrorists or offered/shown the slightest sympathy for the 1,400 Israeli brutally murdered, or acknowledge that the Hamas Charter, which is accessible everywhere on the Internet, is acknowledged worldwide as calling for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. And she had the bare-faced nerve to post this ...