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SECULAR is "religion free". The KORAN "is a bible and is RELIGIOUS". So is Claire Khaw all there with her lemon drops?

It has become more blindingly obvious from her recent posts on social media and her vile blogs, that Claire Khaw seems to have lost the plot totally.She definitely has some form of mental problem.

To quote journalist and commentator Rod Liddle:

"People who sign up to conspiracy theories because of the idiocies which chime with their own monomaniacal warped view of the world."

The above is Claire Khaw and her brainwashed friend Green Day (the American Idiot) down to a tee.

She continually claims to be an agnostic, yet is so obviously proselytising for Sharia (Taliban/Hamas style) Islam with her utterly farcical and dystopian "secular koranism". With zero qualifications, she is now laughingly (actually, dangerously) offering "marriageability classes". And we all know about the marriage antics of her prophet (and current god, despite her so-called agnosticism), don't we? More wives than you or I have had hot dinners! And some pecuniary habits too, which it is hoped she is not encouraging in her 100% unqualified "marriageability classes". .“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine.” Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3894; Muslim, 1422.Yes indeed!

Without exception, all my Muslim friends think she is stark-raving bonkers, doing absolutely nothing but harming Islam and generating Islamophobia, which given her membership of the BNP some years ago, could point to a thoroughly nasty hidden agenda. 

Allow me to revisit some establishes definitions that even a professional conspiracy theorist like Claire Khaw cannot refute:

And then she claims this herself. "Secular koranism is Islam light", i.e. it's religion based. So she is actually disagreeing with herself.

My Muslim friends find it repulsive that she, with zero theological training or experience, declares them not to be real Muslims by virtue of them living in the West. At least all the Muslims I know work hard for a living, contribute to society, and were brought up as respectable British (apart from those I know who live abroad) family people,  and correctly versed in Islam for the right reasons, which is a London marathon more than can be said for Claire Khaw (she does not work, and instead, scrounges from DWP), who has been derided by a top Islamic scholar for her lack of any understanding of Islam or the Koran.



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