There are no timeline image grabs here from Clair Khaw's voracious and never-ending social media and blog output, as they can be found elsewhere here on this Radicalised Imam exposé blog. All I have done here is question her own output, which so often conflicts with the material she has previously posted herself. I suggest the late "Mark Twain" may have suggested the reason for this: So, how can Claire Khaw possibly be, as she claims to be, " A psychologist, a legally-qualified moralist, a scientist, a philosopher and the most theologically knowledgable person in the West if not in the whole wide world" Her output seems to suggest she has deep-rooted delusions of mere adequacy, coupled with megalomania, homophobia, misogyny and an unwavering support for some of the most antisocial and lunatic beings on the planet whom she NEVER criticises or condemns. Unfortunately, Claire Khaw has zero concept of the one thing that the internet does. It remembers things. Once ...
To paraphrase Thomas Edison - "This is something already in existence, just repurposed as something else, but as a something else no one needs or wants, that doesn't and will never work and is otherwise a creative act of misappropriation and a total shambolic, dangerous deception and fake"