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New street-gutter low reached by the inventor of the "secular koranism" cult

I'd like you to hold the underlined statements in the image below in your mind for a few paragraphs. It's the introduction to one of the most dystopian pseudo religious books on Amazon, described by a leading independent Islamic scholar in essence as being " just over 100 pages of inaccurate, pure drivel, in a larger than necessary font, that does nothing if demonstrate the writer's total lack of understanding of Islam and the Quran ". The full excellently researched white paper can be found here . I'd like to state from the outset that some people have said I am being somewhat harsh on Claire Khaw throughout these exposé blogs. Well I can assure you that everything contained within these blogs refuting secular koranism, while I have added commentary of my own, is 100% evidence-based on Claire Khaw's very own output on social media and elsewhere.  Yes, I have indeed been harsh, because the evidence points clearly to Claire Khaw being an inveterate lia

Comparing the inventor of secular koranism to the Horizon Post Office scandal

The inventor of the secular koranism cult, Claire Khaw, and the Fujitsu Horizon Post Office scandal have so much in common! 1. Clueless, if not immoral legal people from the Post Office saying all was all fine and dandy when it most certainly was not. Claire Khaw claims to be an honours law graduate. 2. Apportioning blame to everyone else except themselves (the trait of a cult). 3. Those postmasters who were blamed, lost their lives or were jailed, had to pay back money they did not owe, were vilified by their communities, lost their businesses, their livelihoods and their homes were all ignored despite proof being in their favour that Horizon was not fit for purpose and that the sub-postmasters were all in fact 100% innocent. It is very simple to prove Claire Khaw wrong, almost excl;usively though her own postings, yet she will NEVER admit, take responsibility or apologise she is/was wrong. 4. The Post Office made sh*t up as they want along in an attempt to obfuscate the truth about H

Malice in Wonderland

  Reading between the lies (sic) of Claire Khaw's book on her ridiculous "secular koranism" cult , it it hard to think of her as anything but unhinged. From the oxymoron of a title itself to the completely dystopian world of Sharia she acts out in its hundred pages, you can only conclude there is something disturbingly wrong going on in her mind. That she started her secular koranism cult nonsense around the time Jeremy Paxman interviewed the convicted terrorist, ISIS supporter and benefit scrounger Anjem Choudary on BBC's Newsnight in 2010, cannot be less than coincidental. This her propensity for copying and pasting the evil Sharia nonsense that she does and her infatuation with patriarchy with seemingly unwavering support for misogyny and the degradation and subjugation of women. She is plainly clueless about Islam itself, and there is no wonder that the few highly-qualified Islamic scholars who have read about her secular koranism cult thus far are extremely conc

You can fool some of the people some of the time

  Some people have claimed that Claire Khaw is as mad as a box of frogs. Outwardly, perhaps that might seem a little unfair, but when you read her timeline on social media and witness for yourself how she so often blatantly contradicts herself as she does throughout her quite divisive, extremely racist and distinctly unpalatable blogs, you have to pause with that thought.  Well, it appears Clare Khaw can't fool fact checkers as to how puerile and nonsensical her secular koranism is, and that it's just the cult 'brainchild" (minus the brain bit) of a very disturbed, dystopian person. This, together with the lunatics she supports and praises, the twice-arrested misogynist Andrew Tate, jailed antisemitic Holocaust denier David Irving and hardcore antisemites Alison Chabloz [also jailed for antisemitism], and conspiracy theorist Vincent Bruno, it is not hard to agree. Add to this that Claire Khaw [supposedly with a masters law degree], claims " you can't be jailed

SECULAR is "religion free". The KORAN "is a bible and is RELIGIOUS". So is Claire Khaw all there with her lemon drops?

It has become more blindingly obvious from her recent posts on social media and her vile blogs, that Claire Khaw seems to have lost the plot totally.She definitely has some form of mental problem. To quote journalist and commentator Rod Liddle: "People who sign up to conspiracy theories because of the idiocies which chime with their own monomaniacal warped view of the world." The above is Claire Khaw and her brainwashed friend Green Day (the American Idiot) down to a tee. She continually claims to be an agnostic, yet is so obviously proselytising for Sharia (Taliban/Hamas style) Islam with her utterly farcical and dystopian "secular koranism". With zero qualifications, she is now laughingly (actually, dangerously) offering "marriageability classes". And we all know about the marriage antics of her prophet (and current god, despite her so-called agnosticism), don't we? More wives than you or I have had hot dinners! And some pecuniary habits too, which

She's at it again - demonstrating her morality!

Well, Claire Khaw raises the bar to demonstrate there are remnants of her Neo-Nazi past still imbued in her antisocial and often thoroughly repulsive output. STOP PRESS - on 13th June '24 she made these highly antisemitic and ignorant, inflammatory conspiratorial claims, proving her mental instability and total lack of knowledge of either Judaism or Christianity - she is both an Antisemite and Christophobe: On 28th April '24, among the miscellaneous and continual daily crap she re-posts from others was this: I replied to her and one of her sheep, simply pointing out a 100% fact: To which Claire Khaw (remember, her nonsensical secular koranism rubbish is claimed as a "legal system" (just an obfuscation to proselytise for the thoroughly nasty Iranian Sharia that not even sentient Muslim folk want) she wants Western Civilisation to adopt) replied, as she always does when you either disagree with her or point out simple, acknowledged historical facts (or ask her to prove

The bar is now becoming unreachable for us mere mortals

On the 19th April, Cliare Khaw added this string to her already weighty bow of self-adulation. It appears we are all "foolish": As if to reinfoce her absolute wisdom, she happily took part in this abhorrence. And she claims her secular koranism nonsense is a "legal system". You try saying something about her koran in Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nigeria or Iran, and see how long your head remains on your neck.   For reference, here is her self-eolugy: Claire Khaw claims she is " a legally-qualified moralist (an honours degree no less - however, she is NOT registered with either the BAR council or the Solicitors Regulation Authority) , a psychologist ( no qualifications ), a social and political scientist ( no qualifications ) , a philosopher  ( no qualifications ) , a political campaigne r ( several years promoting the neo-Nazi BNP ), a mental-help therapist ( very dangerously, no qualifications, so a "quack" by any other descriptio